About this event

High Plains Raceway, Colorado May 16-18, 2025
Given the good feedback from last year’s event, the Marvelous May Races will once again blend RMVR’s renowned Competition Drivers’ School into the weekend schedule. No need for concern folks, as there’ll be plenty of track time for all.
Please plan to join friends and fellow competitors on track and in the paddock for a weekend of fun and racing. This is also an opportunity to welcome our newest racers into the fold and demonstrate what the vintage spirit is all about.
The RMVR Comp Drivers’ School takes place Friday, May 16 through Sunday, May 18. Racing as usual happens on Saturday & Sunday May 17-18. Qualified students will join their respective race groups on Sunday. A Happy Hour plus a ticketed dinner are planned for Saturday after the track goes cold.
WHAT: Marvelous May Races and RMVR Competition Driving School
WHERE: High Plains Raceway, Deer Trail, Colorado
WHEN: Weekend of May 16-18, 2025
ENTRY FEES: Your credit card isn’t charged until after the race weekend so SIGN UP NOW for the 2-Day, Saturday-Sunday Competition weekend!
- Early Bird registration before May 3rd - $400
- Standard registration May 3rd to May 13th - $450
CO-DRIVER for your car. You must already be registered for the two-day event to then have a CO-DRIVER register to drive your car. Your co-driver must log-in under their username and password and sign up using the Optional CO-DRIVER choice. (They should NOT sign up for the weekend entry.) The cost for them is $50. Current Membership required, as always.
Online Registration closes May 13th at midnight. After this, call or e-mail RMVR Admin, Linae Schakel (admin@rmvr.com; 303-319-3062), to arrange late entry. Last minute phoned-in or at-event registration will be $525.
Competition Students and Instructors – please go HERE to register on a separate MSR page.
Bonus! HPR will host an RMVR-ONLY open lapping on Friday, May 16. It's a great opportunity to shakedown & debug both car and driver prior to a weekend of racing. This option is highly recommended & strongly encouraged for those of us who haven’t been on track since last Fall. Four of these sixteen 30-minute sessions will be for the Comp students, but there’ll still be plenty of track time for all.
To register for Friday lapping at HPR, visit their website HERE. For this event only, RMVR open-lappers will get a discount over the standard open lapping registration
• Finish those last projects on your race car.
• Check over your trailer – brakes, wheel bearings, tires OK?
• Get an annual tech for your car AND safety gear.
• Show up at HPR, race, socialize and share your vintage spirit!
Tech: Don't forget to get your Annual Tech done BEFORE you get to the track. Here's more info on the benefits to you for doing this and how/where to get it done.
Marshal & Volunteers: If you wish to work this event as a marshal or volunteer, please sign up HERE.
Event Chair: Jon Whiteley, jonLwhiteley@comcast.net 303-550-9787
Event requirements
RMVR requires a fuel cell for all cars entering this event (except for those cars designated as historic by RMVR).
Cars which DO NOT have an RMVR logbook: Drivers must hold a valid up-to-date medical exam AND a current Competition License. Cars must be prepared to conform to that organization’s preparation and safety rules. Entrants must present a self-inspection RMVR Event Tech Inspection Form at regsitration.
- Production Race cars without an RMVR or VMC logbook: Such cars are welcome. Please select "Exhibition" as the car's class when entering.
- Invited Post-'81 Formula and Sports Racer cars: Includes post ’81 Formula Fords (Kent and Fit powered), FC/F2000 (Pinto powered), S2000 (Pinto powered), water-cooled FSV, Formula Mazda, and SCCA FX/FC/FE/FE2/ESR. The invited Formula or Sports Racers must be from a VMC organization, SCCA, or NASA. Please select "Post-'81 Formula & SRs" as the car's class when entering.
For CO-DRIVERs: If you are sharing a car with another driver for the weekend as a Co-Driver, the owner of the car must register first. The second driver can then register for the event using the "CO-DRIVER" entry option. You'll need to select the previously entered shared car/driver. The Co-Driver should NOT sign up for the weekend entry. The Co-Driver MUST have a current membership, a valid competition license, up-to-date medical,.and go thru registration. Co-Driver cost is $50.
"Double-Driven" Cars: As always, will require each driver to make a regular weekend race entry, one for each particpant, each driving the car in their own Run Group.
Please double check the transponder number listed in the car's profile to be sure it is correct.
When entering you might be required to pay a membership fee in order to complete your registration. It will be good for the entire year. After Labor Day, that RMVR membership will be good for all of the following year.