About this event
RMVR 2025 Competition Driving School
This year we have a new format for the Driver’s School to be held May 16-May 18, 2025 at High Plains Raceway
AS A STUDENT: Intended for those seeking a full Competition License with the goal of becoming an RMVR Licensed Driver. WARNING - If you take this School, you will become addicted to speed! Seriously, the acclaimed RMVR Drivers' School is the greatest racing value around - Period! And, you’ll learn to race in a safe and fun manner. Students must have his/her race car ready, or borrow/rent a race car.
If you are unfamiliar with this MotorsportsReg system (MSR) here are some instructions and hints. Basically, if you don't have an MSR account, you need to create one to be able to register for the School. If the Instructions don't help, please call RMVR's Administrator, Linae, 303-319-3062 for help.
Tuition is $595 (To be charged to your credit card after the race weekend.) NOTE tuition also covers your RMVR Annual Membership and Competition License fee ($150).
The Registration Desk (to check in, sign waivers, etc.) in the classroom and is open Thursday May 15th from 5:00P to 6:30P and Friday May 16th from 7:00A to 8:00A.
AS AN INSTRUCTOR: No entry fee to help! You too MUST register “As an Instructor”. Your 2025 Club dues (memberhsip and license) will need to be current. Bring your experience and enthusiasm to facilitate the Students into the RMVR family. "Paying it forward" helps RMVR grow. NOTE - If you sign up as an instructor and end up not being needed for the Driver's School, your Marvelous May race weekend event cost will be charged at the Early Bird signup rate of $400.
And if you wish to WORK THIS EVENT as a marshal/volunteer: USE THIS LINK TO SIGN UP.
An Annual Tech will be required for all cars, Student's and Instructors. PLEASE get this done BEFORE arriving for the School. Don't rely on the offer for an At-Track Inspection. That's for emergency use only.
Car and Safety Equipment:
Car and driver-worn safety equipment must successfully pass an RMVR annual tech inspection no later than May 1, 2025. List of tech inspectors and Tech Sheet can be found here:
Note - Cars log booked by other organizations can have their annual tech done by said organizations. Driver will need to provide proof of annual inspection (log book page). Event Technical inspection Form will still need to be submitted at school check-in. Form available at this link.
Fill out and submit an RMVR Competition Medical Form - found here: https://rmvr.com/members/club-rules/
Completed form will need to be submitted electronically to admin@rmvr.com
LET'S GO RACING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nathan Down, RMVR Chief Driving Instructor, is integral to the weekend, reachable at CDI@rmvr.com
Jon Whiteley is the Race Weekend Event Chair. jonlwhiteley@comcast.net
If you have questions, please feel free to contact either of these gentlemen.
Scroll down and click the black "Register Now" button for the time of your life!
Event requirements