Survey |

20XX Board of Directors Election

Pukka Software

Aug 1, 2015 - Dec 31, 2017

This ballot is to elect an Executive Director and three Board Member.

The election opens on December 1 and closes on December 31.

To vote online

•    You must be a member of XYZ Organization

•    You must have an email account to vote online (if you or one of your family members does not have email, request a paper ballot by emailing: or calling 888-999-8899 x 111)

•    Create MotorsportReg account if you do not already have one

•    Select Election link on our organization landing page

•    Vote by clicking your selections

•    Click Submit button at bottom of page

The electronic voting system will allow only one vote per valid membership.

To respond, select one of the following options and continue...

I have an account I'm a new user

Survey Details

Host Pukka Software
Contact host
Location San Rafael, CA
Website Visit Official Website