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OVR SCCA 2023 Elections (2024 positions)

SCCA - Ohio Valley Region

Nov 8, 2023 - Dec 6, 2023

Welcome to the 2023 OVR, SCCA elections. This election is being offered to our members using this digital platform.

Instructions for Voting: Only Regular Members and Dual Members in good standing at the time of the election may vote. Any Member under the age of 18 years are not eligible to vote in Regional elections. Voting methods will be determined to according to the Region Operating Manual maintained by the Region Board of Directors.

You must have a valid membership (verified by this tool) to vote. You also must create an account on this tool (if you do not already have one) to participate in the voting process. Using this tool saves our region thousands of dollars (printing/mailing) and provides membership verification automatically.

Important Note: You will NOT have an opportunity to change your vote, so PLEASE make sure you confirm your choices prior to submitting your ballot. Once your ballot is submitted, your vote has been counted and cannot be changed.

We have Two 2-year and One 1-year board of director's positions available this year. You can vote for up to Three candidates from the list of candidates seeking election this year. The candidates who are selected will begin their term on the OVR, SCCA board of directors in 2024. Below you will find candidate statements fort the Four candidates we have running for these Three positions.

Voting will open on 11/11 and will close on 12/6 (voting will close at 8pm on 12/6).

Thank you for participating in this important activity.

Please reach out to our Elections Officer (Matt Downing) with any questions or issues.

Information for the annual awards banquet can be found here:

Candidates (in alphabetical order):

David Brown for Ohio Valley Region SCCA Board of Director

I’m asking for your vote for BOD! I’ve been a member of OVR for 28 years and have had the pleasure of serving as your Regional Executive 4 times as well as many times on the Board of Directors as well. My track record speaks for itself— I have advocated for ALL programs. I’m fully in support of Solo and my record speaks for itself. I’ve been a racer since I joined and have also spent many days as a race worker and will continue to do so. My support of Rallycross and the advancement of the program goes back to its infancy. As we developed track based non racing programs I’ve been in full support as well. Growth of all programs is important, and I’ll do what is needed to make sure they stay healthy. I currently put the digital version of The Observers Stand together as the editor and support our club in many other ways.

I’m not afraid to make the hard decisions when it’s warranted. I’ve voiced my displeasure during Board meetings and will continue to do so when it might not be popular but is necessary. I advocated for the return of in-person BOD meetings when it became clear that it was needed to truly get the work done properly. I’ve learned from long time BOD members to not be afraid to speak up and stand for what’s right— whether that be to our local club or the National Office or BOD. I’ve stood in front of members of the entire club and questioned decisions and will not stop. I’ve collaborated with all current Board members and will continue to do so. I’m running to provide leadership. Over the past year it’s become clear to me that the loss of several long-time members of the Board has left a leadership gap that needs to be filled. I hope you’ll consider voting for me.

Most importantly, the leadership of OVR needs candidates that can work together while also looking out for our future. The past has taught me many lessons and I’m not afraid to learn new ones. As we continue to grow, we need to embrace the past while striving to reach for the future. I ask that you vote for me, but most importantly that you vote. Thank You

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Orion Fairman for Ohio Valley Region SCCA Board of Director

My name is Orion Fairman and I'm the current RallyCross chair and I'm running for the Board in 2024. I've been a member of OVR since 2003 when I moved here from the Houston Region. I was very active in the Solo program (Tech, Novice Instructor, Safety Steward) for several years until we launched OVR's RallyCross program in 2006 and by 2008 that was a full-time program. I have been the RallyCross Chair 3 different times and we have built the OVR RX program into one of the only Regions to have hosted 4 National Tours and a National Championship! We have experienced many changes in the Solo and RallyCross programs through the years, but I feel both are integral ways to get the new faces into the SCCA. The new folks coming in are what we need to keep this club going into the future! My son has recently started competing both RallyCross and Solo with me and I can say the future looks bright as he and his generation are finding safe ways to have fun with cars harder and harder, and we as a club have exactly what they are looking for.

Please take the time to vote, it's essential we stay active as members!

Thank you.

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Gloria Sheets for Ohio Valley Region SCCA Board of Director

I am Gloria Sheets and have been a member and volunteer in various areas with SCCA for 40 years. In 1983, I started working with Lake Erie Communications as a flagger. As a volunteer, I have also done Timing & Scoring, Flagging, Tech, and of course, Registration. As a registrar, I have been a volunteer for many years and was the Chief Registrar for the Ohio Valley Region for several years. I have been the Membership Chair and Social Chair. I also spent two terms as the Regional Executive for OVR and have been a director for quite a few years now. With all that being said, I have a good understanding of SCCA at the regional level as well as the divisional and national levels.

I am a good fit for the Director position due to the knowledge I have developed through the years, my understanding of the drivers’ side of OVR as well as the volunteer side of OVR, and my love of the sport.

I am a voice of reason with respect to the financial side of the Region when it comes to the needs of the Club Racing, Solo, and Road Rally divisions of our club. With the economic times as they are currently, we need to be watchful of expenditures and income. We also need to be more creative when it comes to putting on our events to maximize usage of the track as the costs continue to increase. Hopefully by doing this, attendance will increase, and we can attract younger folks to join us for the fun! I am committed to working on the creativity and growth of our Region!

I see our three divisions of racing in OVR working together to grow our Region from an event and volunteer standpoint. It is a beautiful thing!

Please vote for me! Regardless of who you vote for, please VOTE! Make your voice heard!

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Randy Tackett for Ohio Valley Region SCCA Board of Director

I am asking for your vote to elect me to the Board of Directors. I have been involved in the club as the Solo Co-Chair for 2020, 2021 and 2023 and Assistant Regional Executive until 2023. My experience with the club includes running with the OVR SCCA Solo program since 2017, filling numerous chief roles for Solo. I have been working as the webmaster for the region. I am also an active participant in the OVR SCCA Rally-X program. I have begun building my skills in SCCA Time Trials and Track Events as well. My professional career has been as an IT professional working for Nationwide Insurance for the last 19 years. My extensive background in technology allowed me to work to modernize the Solo program as we endured a pandemic and the loss of our primary site for Solo. I have also had experience with various volunteer roles outside of the SCCA. As a board member, I would like to continue to modernize the Ohio Valley Region SCCA club to attract new members while working hard to retain our current membership.

Thank you for your consideration.

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This survey only provides anonymized, aggregated results. No individual answers are available to anyone including the survey administrator.

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Survey Details

Host SCCA - Ohio Valley Region
Contact host
Location Lewis Center, OH
Website Visit Official Website