Test & Tune
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Street Car Registration
11 entries
Name Status Group Vehicle Hometown Sponsor
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Logan Anderson
NewNoviceDublin, OH
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Thomas Bickerstaff
ConfirmedIntermediateMineral Ridge, OH
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Kyran Buie
ConfirmedNoviceToledo, OH
Martin Glaz
ConfirmedAdvancedPepper Pike, OH
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Stan Prybyla
ConfirmedNoviceBrecksville, OH
Kent Ringstmeier
ConfirmedAdvancedSeville, OH
Nicholas Schwind
ConfirmedNovicePerrysburg, OH
Frank Semetkoskey
ConfirmedIntermediateApollo, PA
Andrew Serger
ConfirmedAdvancedLakewood, OH
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Amanda Wilson
NewNoviceAlexandria, INN/A
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Gregory Zydyk
ConfirmedAdvancedChagrin Falls, OH

The organizer of this event controls this list and it may not represent the actual number of people registered.