Test & Tune
3 entries
Name Status Group Vehicle Hometown Sponsor
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Andy Blanchard
ConfirmedClosed WheelCleveland, OH
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Daniel Galiffa
ConfirmedOpen WheelErie, PATarantula Racing, Mazda, Hoosier, Summit Racing
William Moore
ConfirmedClosed WheelChagrin Falls, OH
Street Car Registration
6 entries
Name Status Group Vehicle Hometown Sponsor
profile photo
Laverne Dale
ConfirmedIntermediateAvon, OH
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Ivan Dixon
ConfirmedNovicePickerington, OH
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Daniel Goncz
ConfirmedIntermediateKeller, TXGabany Automotive
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Keith Kirby
ConfirmedIntermediateTallmadge, OH
Keith Nichols
ConfirmedIntermediateMars, PA
profile photo
Bryan Tulino
ConfirmedAdvancedRavenna, OHEppich Media

The organizer of this event controls this list and it may not represent the actual number of people registered.