17 entries
17 entries
# Name Class Vehicle Hometown Sponsor
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Gil Altamirano
ShifterCalgary, ABTurAlta
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James Altamirano
ShifterCalgary, ABTurAlta
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Kevin Canning
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Joe Chan
ShifterCalgary, AB
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Mitchell Devison
ShifterCalgary, Ab
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Griffin Dowler
ShifterStrathcona County, ABApollo
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Paul Galecki
ShifterCalgary, ABPKM TEAM, Tri-Pol Enterprises
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Sterling MacKenzie
ShifterCalgary, AB
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Mark Newson
ShifterCalgary, AB
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Chris Patterson
ShifterCalgary, AB
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Jason Poirier
ShifterCalgary, AB
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elliot porozni
Shiftercalgary, AB
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Evan Pruss
ShifterRed Deer, ABStudent Loan Racing, Credit Car Racing, Margin Loan Racing
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Gerhard Roets
ShifterCochrane, AB
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Brendon Sanguinetti
ShifterCalgary, AB
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Mackenzie Tivendale
ShifterCochrane, AB
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Brad Walker
ShifterAirdrie, ABRedline Real Estate

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