Afternoon shift
2 entries
Name Status Vehicle Hometown Sponsor
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Nicole Kyswaty
ConfirmedCalgary, AB
profile photo
Don Noakes
ConfirmedCalgary, AB
Morning Shift
18 entries
Name Status Vehicle Hometown Sponsor
Jeff Adrian
NewAirdire, AB
profile photo
Jeremy Ash
ConfirmedCalgary, AB
profile photo
Patrick Boschmann
NewFoothills, AB
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Dave Cameron
NewCalgary, AB
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John Cook
NewWheatland County, AB
profile photo
Lonnie Ganz
NewCalgary, AB
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Alan Haggerty
NewHigh River, AB
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Phil Haggerty
NewHigh River, AB
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Adeel Jawed
ConfirmedCalgary, AB
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Dan Lazar
ConfirmedCalgary, AB
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Carson Luinenburg
NewCalgary, AB
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Rowan Luinenburg
NewCalgary, AB
profile photo
Coltin McCaughan
NewCalgary, AB
Louis McCaughan
NewCalgary, AB
profile photo
Evan Nadeau
NewCalgary, AB
profile photo
Carl Ross
NewCalgary, AB
profile photo
Darcy Sakal
NewCochrane, AB
profile photo
Ethan Sakal
NewCochrane, AB

The organizer of this event controls this list and it may not represent the actual number of people registered.