15 entries
Name Vehicle Hometown Sponsor
profile photo
Wes Beiko
Okotoks, AB
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Graham Burnley
Spruce Grove, AB
Nicolas Burnley
Spruce Grove, AB
Boris Djordjevic
Leduc, AB
profile photo
Marko Djordjevic
Edmonton, ABFrontech
profile photo
Ugis Goba
Edmonton, AB
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Jared Hornung
drayton valley, Ab
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Josh Layte
Edmonton, ABFrontech Racing
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Maris Martinsons
Edmonton, AB
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Janel Padberg
Spruce Grove , AB
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Tamara Sigrist
spruce grove, AB
Csongor Szepesvari
Edmonton, AB
profile photo
David Szepesvari
Edmonton, AB
profile photo
Andy Tailleur
Edmonton, AB
Doug Turner
Edmonton , AB

The organizer of this event controls this list and it may not represent the actual number of people registered.