Afternoon shift
14 entries
Name Status Vehicle Hometown Sponsor
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Joshwa Cox
NewCalgary, AB
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Zoran Ducic
NewCalgary, AB
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Don Gibson
NewSundre, AB
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Andres Hurtado
NewCalgary, AB
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Daniel Hurtado
NewCalgary, AB
Robert Martin
NewCalgary, AB
Mitzi Moreno
NewCalgary, AB
profile photo
Debbie Neergaard
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Kevin Poirier
NewHigh River, AB
profile photo
Roger Poirier
NewHigh River, AB
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Andreea Popescu
NewCalgary, AB
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Bogdan Popescu
NewCalgary, AB
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Evan Starling
NewCalgary, AB
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Geoff Starling
NewCalgary, AB
Morning Shift
13 entries
Name Status Vehicle Hometown Sponsor
profile photo
Zoran Ducic
NewCalgary, AB
profile photo
Don Gibson
NewSundre, AB
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Ziemowit Jozwiak
NewCalgary, AB
profile photo
Kevin Langlois
NewCalgary, AB
Robert Martin
NewCalgary, AB
profile photo
Debbie Neergaard
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Kevin Poirier
NewHigh River, AB
profile photo
Roger Poirier
NewHigh River, AB
profile photo
Andreea Popescu
NewCalgary, AB
profile photo
Bogdan Popescu
NewCalgary, AB
profile photo
Verne Quiring
NewCalgary, AB
profile photo
Lee Rivey
NewCalgary, AB
profile photo
Freddy Wallace
NewCalgary, AB

The organizer of this event controls this list and it may not represent the actual number of people registered.