15 entries
Name Status Class Group Vehicle Hometown Sponsor
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Bessy Chase
Checked InPracticeSenior KartMcDonald, PA
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Kyle England
Checked InPracticeJunior KartLowellville, OH
Robert Englert
Checked InPracticeSenior KartWashington, PA
Greg Horan
Checked InPracticeSenior KartCanonsburg, PA
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Levi Kuhn
Checked InPracticeCadet / Sportsman KartChardon, OH
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Dan Landoni
Checked InPracticeSenior KartCoraopolis, PA
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Kelly Lee
Checked InPracticeSenior KartBeaver Falls, PA
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Noah McFadden
Checked InPracticeSenior KartCarnegie, PA
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Mitch McQuown
Checked InPracticeSenior KartHermitage, PA
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J.J. Niedt
Checked InPracticeJunior KartCheswick, PA
Joe Relihan
Checked InPracticeSenior KartAllison Park, PA
Nickolas Samoleski
Checked InPracticeMotorcycle <600ccPittsburgh, PA
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Caleb Smith
Checked InPracticeCadet / Sportsman KartEllwood city, PA
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Andrew Stewart
Checked InPracticeSenior KartWexford, PA
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Kennedy Tracey
Checked InPracticeJunior KartWashington, PA
Two Day Pass
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