Afternoon shift
15 entries
Name Status Vehicle Hometown Sponsor
profile photo
Christine Boyd
NewCalgary, AB
Clinton Cook
NewWheatland County, AB
profile photo
John Cook
NewWheatland County, AB
profile photo
Zoran Ducic
NewCalgary, AB
profile photo
Don Gibson
NewSundre, AB
profile photo
Bryson Hoff
Waitlist NewCalgary, AB
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Chad Hoff
Waitlist NewCalgary, AB
profile photo
Dean Mckinlay
NewSt. Albert, AB
profile photo
Hailey McKinlay
NewWest Kelowna , BC
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Pawel Pankiewicz
NewCalgary, AB
profile photo
Adam Sullo
NewCalgary, AB
profile photo
Lianne Sullo
NewCalgary, AB
profile photo
Julian Swanson
NewCalgary, AB
profile photo
Brian Turner
Waitlist Newcrossfield, AB
profile photo
Ken Venner
NewCalgary, AB
Morning Shift
12 entries
Name Status Vehicle Hometown Sponsor
profile photo
Anton Angeles
NewCalgary, AB
profile photo
Dave Cameron
NewCalgary, AB
profile photo
Mitchell Devison
NewCalgary, Ab
profile photo
Don Gibson
NewSundre, AB
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Phil Haggerty
NewHigh River, AB
profile photo
Dean Mckinlay
NewSt. Albert, AB
profile photo
Hailey McKinlay
NewWest Kelowna , BC
profile photo
Pawel Pankiewicz
NewCalgary, AB
profile photo
Victor Perewernycky
NewCalgary, AB
profile photo
Walter Perewernycky
NewCalgary, AB
profile photo
Denny Simon
NewCalgary, AB
profile photo
Freddy Wallace
NewCalgary, AB

The organizer of this event controls this list and it may not represent the actual number of people registered.