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10 entries
# Name Status Class Vehicle Hometown Sponsor
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Pedro Alejandro
ConfirmedCaguas, PR
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Ricardo Arribas
ConfirmedCaguas , PR
Pedro Bauza
ConfirmedGuaynabo, PRNone
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Fabianne Besosa
ConfirmedCaguas, PRHavoline & Red Star Motoring
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Pedro Colon
ConfirmedSan Juan, PRVento Distribuitors, Valvoline, NGK, Los Ladrones
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Johan Divison
ConfirmedSan Juan, PRDivison Racing , Vento Distributor , Valvoline
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Oscar Kidd
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Antonio Llona
ConfirmedGuaynabo, PRLiberty
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Francisco Nevarez
ConfirmedCarolina, PRJimmy Bou Distributors, Motul, Faster Motorsports
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Antonio Suarez
ConfirmedSAN JUAN, prRacefactory

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