Club Lapping
17 entries
Name Status Group Vehicle Hometown Sponsor
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Jeff BLU
Checked InIntermediateOrono, ON
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Gerry Carvalho
Checked InAdvancedPrince Albert, ON BadGer Racing
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Philip D'Angelo
Checked InNoviceToronto, ON
Bruce Gray
Checked InAdvancedBowmanville, ONNone
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Billy Last
Checked InNoviceOakville, ONThe English Plumber & Gas Installer, Local Tire Guys
John MacFarlane
Checked InNoviceOshawa, ON
Al McPhee
Checked InIntermediateOshawa, ON
Jeremy Mitchell
Checked InAdvancedOshawa North, ON
Sebastian Molano
Checked InNoviceMarkham, ON
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Paul Murray
Checked InAdvancedWhitby, ONXIII Motorsports \ NV Auto
Andrew Patterson
Checked InNoviceCampbellcroft, ON
Sean Perry
Checked InIntermediateOshawa, ON
David Scoular
Checked InIntermediateWHITBY, ONBrooklin precision tune
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Brian Thomas
Checked InAdvancedBethany, ONTeam 74 Racing
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Brian Thomas
Checked InAdvancedBethany, ONTeam 74 Racing
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Keith Weidmark
Checked InIntermediateOshawa, ON
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Dylan Williams
Checked InAdvancedBowmanville, ON

The organizer of this event controls this list and it may not represent the actual number of people registered.