Registration Fee
12 entries
Two-wheel Drive
7 entries
Name Class Vehicle Hometown Sponsor
Devlin Bonner
2WDKelowna , BC
Derek Cao
2WDSurrey, BC
Matthew Francis
2WDKelowna, BC
profile photo
Peter Frank
2WDVernon, BCOCP BarnPort Rally
profile photo
Rose Oakhill
2WDSquamish, BCNewport Motorsport
Andrew Strain
2WDVernon, BC
profile photo
John Wiebe
2WDAbbotsford, BCRoost Racings
Four-Wheel Drive
5 entries
Name Class Vehicle Hometown Sponsor
Kris Bagg
4WDVernon, BC
profile photo
Dominic Beer
4WDPemberton, BCNewport Motorsport
profile photo
Sylvain Munro
4WDSalmo, BCHB Racing
profile photo
Lee Perkull
4WDVernon, BC
profile photo
Ivan Sergeyenko
4WDKelowna, BC

The organizer of this event controls this list and it may not represent the actual number of people registered.