Sun, Jul 5, 2020

Waterford Hills OTD #5

Waterford Hills

About this event

Waterford Hills Open Track Day


Online Payment/Pre-Pay: 
     WHRRI member    $175.00       
     Non-Member          $200.00

*Day of Event: 
     WHRRI member    $200.00       
     Non-Member          $240.00

Dates for 2020:

*3 pack and 6 pack discount packages are available

Cancellation Policy

  • 10% base cancellation fee
  • 30% cancellation fee if notification is  received between 6 to 48 hours of the event.  Reduced to 10% if your spot is filled.
  • 50% cancellation fee for notification received in the 6 hours prior to the event.  Reduced to 10% if your spot is filled.
  • No Show/No Notification prior to start of event = 50% cancellation fee.   No reduction will be provided for this penalty if the vacant spot is filled. 
  • Track Pack/Credit cancellations: Penalties will be applied to the rescheduled event.

Typical Event

  • Events start at 7:00am for registration and tech inspections.
  • 9:00am driver's meeting and novice instruction
  • Vehicles on course at 10:00am
  • Lunch ~12:30
  • Track secured at 6:00pm.

How do we make up the run groups?

  • We usually have 5 run groups made up of 16 drivers
  • Each group is scheduled to get 4 sessions during the day
  • Each session will be ~15 to 20 minutes
  • Drivers are split up into groups based on experience.

What kind of equipment do I need?

  • A vehicle that can pass a basic safety inspection (Contact me about restrictions on convertibles, open wheel, Truck, SUV and Hybrids)
  • Recommend using vehicles with manual transmissions
  • A SNELL rated helmet  that’s 2010 or newer (We have rental helmets available at the track if you don't have one)
  • No special tires are required!

I'm new to this!

  • Everyone was new at one point!
  • We have basic instruction in the morning
  • Club drivers can provide one on one instruction when available
  • Track day people are Awesome!  Pretty much anyone at the track will be happy to help, or come find me and I'll introduce you to an experienced driver
  • I've been collecting lots of information and posting it in our forums… check it out here: OTD Primer 
  • Send me an email and I'll get any other questions answered ASAP! (

Join our Email List

  • Keep up to date and register for Track day events!
  • We use this list to keep everyone informed on schedules and changes.
  • Tips and tricks for newcomers!
  • Go here to join the list:  Waterford OTD Mailing list  


How do I rank myself for registration?

  • I double check your experience levels during the registration process.
  • If you have a question, note it in the "Notes to Organizer" on the entry form.  I do read them!
  • Unsure of your skill level - start out as a Novice (HPDE-1) and tell me what your experience is - we'll get you in the right group!
  • Use the table below to help you figure it out:


Event Class Descriptions
Class Description




  • This group is for people that are new to OTD/HPDEs
  • You are learning the flags, hand signals and track etiquette
  • You are new to driving on a road course, and are also learning how to navigate the track.
  • You are primarily  focused on your driving and performance.
  • You are learning to expand your focus to the Corner Marshals
  • You are reliant on Corner Marshals to let you know someone wants to pass.



  • Some experience - you have successfully completed 2-3 track days either here or at other tracks.
  • You are familiar with all of the flags and hand signals.
  • You are comfortable at speed on the track but still working on your line
  • You are gaining experience and comfort with passing on long straights.
  • Your focus is expanding to include drivers behind you
  • You are less reliant on Corner Marshals letting you know someone wants to pass
  • You know what an "Apex" is.


  • You have multiple track days here or at other tracks
  • You know the flags and hand signals well enough to give a speech on them
  • You have experienced the limits of traction, and have some experience how to resume control
  • You are highly aware of all driver and Corner Marshal activity around you
  • You are genuinely surprised if a Corner Marshal has indicated a driver wants to pass and you were not aware of it.
  • You are learning how to execute passes on low speed turns


  • You measure your OTD/HPDE experience by "Seasons"
  • You are comfortable passing/being passed at any point on this track
  • You are embarrassed if a Corner Marshal shows you a passing flag and you didn't already have the passing zone picked out
  • You are capable of teaching flags and hand signals to a small group of people that do not speak your language.
  • Tires and brake pads have long ago become a known "expense" that is included in your household budget
  • You share knowledge with novice drivers on how to get started and improve their performance


  • Licenses issued by SCCA, NASA or other major sanctioning bodies are required to run in this class.
  • This class has open passing


This event is approved for track day insurance with the following companies:



Event requirements

Long pants and closed toe shoes are required

No passengers are permitted during hot sessions (except instructors)


2018 WATERFORD_HILLS_OTD_TechForm.pdf  (Tech form is for reference only - printed form will be provided to you on day of event)

2018 OTD Student Hand Book 20180313sl.pdf

Entries (110)

Thomas Burns
Elizabeth Pielsticker
Timothy Shinn
Matt Watts
William Phillips
Jeremy Marciniak
Brian Murphy
Jeffrey Lewis Bennett

Waterford Hills

Clarkston, MI
Download track map
Download track map


Open Track organized by

Waterford Hills

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Event over!