Sun, Jun 6, 2021

TSCC Autocross VMP Exhibition Event

Virginia Motorsports Park

About this event

Update 5/20/2021:

All TSCC members and friends,

Currently state and local governments placed restrictions on all events has created some limitations to our Novice program. As such we have developed a TSCC Covid 19  Supplemental Rule Set which can be found here 

You will be required to digitally sign the waiver through a secure mobile application which includes a digital photo of you and your personal signature through your mobile device.  If you haven't done so already, please go to up to 14 days prior to the event and sign the event waiver.  


“Come for the racing…Stay for the family”


Welcomes You to The Premier Autocross Club of South East Virginia Since 1953.

2021 Exhibition Autocross - June 6th at Virginia Motorsports Park

The Tidewater Sports Car Club (TSCC) autocross season runs from March through November with championship series events typically taking place on the 3rd Sunday of the month.  This is a great opportunity for new participants to get involved with autocross.  

This is a joint event hosted with the Old Dominion Region - SCCA club. This event is hosted as their 3rd points event of the season and all attendees qualify for ODR - SCCA Championship points!



$45 - Member

$55 - Non-Member

Proceed below to preregister

The TSCC 2021 Autocross Rules can be reviewed here:

Not sure about classing your car?  Read our Classing Guide:

Event requirements

Complete TSCC Autocross Rules and classing/PAX info can be viewed here:

Make sure to read any rule changes for 2021 specifically the new classing structure from 2020!  


9:00                          Gates Open

9:00 – 10:00               Registration

9:00 – 10:00             Tech

9:25 / 9:55                  Novice Meeting/Course Walk at Start Line (Mandatory for all Novice Registered Drivers To Attend At Least One Meeting; Preferably Both!)

10:20                          MANDATORY Driver's Meeting at the TSCC Timing and Scoring Bus

10:30                          First Car Off

The event will take place RAIN OR SHINE. In the event of severe weather, a decision will be made at the driver’s meeting to determine whether or not we will be running. You will be notified by email if the race event is canceled before its scheduled date.


The event will be split into two, three or four heats, depending on the amount of participation.  As an organization ran by volunteers, entrants will participate in the event by driving one heat and working another.  If there are more than two heats, then you will likely have an off heat.  During off heats, you can relax and enjoy watching other competitors’ on-course however, we may ask you to volunteer to assist in some areas where we maybe short staffed.


Work schedules for typical 3-heat events is drive, then work which looks like the following:

Heat 1 drivers work Heat 2

Heat 2 drivers work Heat 3

Heat 3 drivers work Heat 1

Every person driving in the event MUST work the event.  Workers will check-in at a designated location to receive their work assignment approximately 15 minutes prior to the start of the heat. Failure to work the event without notifying staff with a valid reason will be banned from participating in the next event. If this should occur a second time, you will be banned from participating in any events for the season. 

Workers may change out on the fly. If you are unsure of the duties your work position entail, the staff will explain or direct you to an experienced member who can help in explaining what your work assignment will entail.  Be sure to coordinate with the staff as soon as possible if there are any particular assignments that you may not be able to perform. 

Car Preparation/Tech Inspection 

Cars must be fully prepared before proceeding to tech.

  • Check all lug nuts (wheel bolts) are present and torqued according to manufacturer’s specifications
  • Inspect your tires, ensure no cords are showing, do not use tire shine.
  • Check your brakes for pedal pressure and proper brake fluid levels
  • Clean windshield/windows.
  • Place your registration card under the driver’s side wiper.
  • Check throttle return spring
  • Check wheel bearings
  • Ensure your car is not leaking excessive amounts of fluid
  • Ensure your battery is secured(Bungee Cords are not an authorized method of securing the battery)
  • Numbers:  Number (at least 8” tall) and class letters (at least 4” tall) must be displayed on both sides of the car.  Painter's tape will NOT be available from tech.   If you are unsure of your classing, please let us know before proceeding to Tech and we can help you.
  • Interior:  Clean out all unnecessary items from inside your car (i.e. floor mats, loose speakers, items hanging on rear view mirror, wrappers, tools, etc) Plan on bringing a couple grocery bags with you for this purpose
  • Trunk:  Remove spare tire, tools, jack, loose/unsecured items
  • Helmet:  Helmets must be SNELL M2010, SA2010, K2010 or newer; SFI 31.1, 41.1, 31.1A, 31.2A, 41.1A, 41.2A or British spec BS6658-85 type A/FR are also acceptable.  Any helmet must fit properly and in good condition.  DOT helmets that do not meet the more stringent regulations are not permitted.  Club loaner helmets are NOT available for those who do not personally own an approved helmet do to COVID 19 health concerns.
  • Sound Limits:  TSCC will be enforcing sound limits of 100dB as measured per SCCA rules, and will be enforced per Appendix I of the 2019 SCCA National Solo Rules.

Course Workers:

The most common work assignment, especially for novices, is course working.  Course workers stand at worker stations around the course and reset cones as they get knocked over.

Insurance Waiver

All competitors will be required to sign an insurance waiver ONLINE and before entering the facility.  Minors will need to have a minor waiver signed by both parents in order to compete or to ride along.  The minimum age for riding along is 12 years.  You will be required to digitally sign the waiver through a secure mobile application which includes a digital photo of you and your personal signature through your mobile device.  If you haven't done so already, please go to up to 14 days prior to the event and sign the event waiver.  

Entries (79)

Doug Keiler
Peter Florance
Adam Powell
Matthew Welsh
Erick Pinzon
Maureen Scully
Joseph Banks
Evan Clary

Virginia Motorsports Park

North Dinwiddie, VA


Autocross/Solo organized by

Tidewater Sports Car Club

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Event over!