About this event
All events TMR runs at Sonoma/Sears Point Raceway typically include an AutoX. This registration is for:
Friday, Nov 8th.
These AutoX events are open to all skill level drivers and provide drivers a controlled environment to develop their car control skills.
Timing is available at this event.
If you're not familiar with our program at Sears Point/Sonoma Raceway it works like this.....
The Autocross is in the back Paddock behind the main grandstands. This is a very fun and busy day at the facility, and a treat for the racer in all of us! You'll also get more runs than you can handle!
7:00 registration
8:00 driver's meeting and course walk
9:00-5:00 event
Price: $100
- We start the morning with a driver's meeting that will cover format, objectives, course description and basic safety. A group course walk will follow to review safe, controlled driving procedures.
- Each group will alternate back and forth between "run and work" for the remainder of the afternoon. Workers will maintain track safety and replace hit cones.
- Get close to a season's worth of seat time in one day!
- This is not a competitive event but timing is available for those who want their course times.
- Spectators are allowed of all ages.
- Passengers are allowed. 18 years old is the minimum age.
- Guests planned to be in the car at any time must sign all waivers required at the event.
Sonoma Raceway
Sonoma, CA