About this event
By now, you are well aware that complications from the COVID-19 virus are impacting events across the country, and that includes Starting Lines. The health and safety of our members, participants and staff remains our top priority and, as such, we have made the decision to suspend this Starting Line at Heartland Motorsports Park event scheduled for March 28.
For the most up-to-date information on SCCA’s response to coronavirus, please watch for official announcements posted on scca.com.
In addition to a full day of professional performance driving instruction, the $350 Starting Line Package also includes:
- SCCA Track Night in America Event Entry - $150 Value
- SCCA Tire Rack National Event Entry - $100 Value
- SCCA Membership - $90 Value
- Regional Event Entry - $20-40 Value
- Starting Line Hat
- SportsCar Magazine Subscription
- Grassroots Motorsports Subscription
The Tire Rack SCCA Starting Line School is a partnership between the Sports Car Club of America and Tire Rack to give automotive enthusiasts at every level a professional, all-inclusive entry into the sport of performance driving and the chance to have some fun with their cars.
The full-day school introduces key concepts applicable to performance driving and offers participants the opportunity to develop motorsports skills while working with professional performance driving instructors.
Professional instructors teach:
- Vehicle dynamics
- Traction management
- Vision and control
- Tips and techniques custom tailored to match your needs and ability level
Starting Line participants leave ready for motorsports competition if that’s where their interest takes them, but everyone gains an understanding of the capabilities of their vehicle and is given the opportunity to have a little fun with it. In addition to a full day of instruction, the Tire Rack SCCA Starting Line package includes a complete motorsports starter kit. Participants receive an SCCA membership, entries for optional future events, as well as subscriptions to SportsCar and Grassroots Motorsports magazines, and a 20% coupon code for a Snell- approved motorsports helmet through Solo Performance.
For detailed information, school calendar / locations, autocross FAQs and more visit the Tire Rack SCCA Starting Line website: Starting Line Info
Event requirements
Payment is due at the time of registration.