About this event
The National Capital Chapter of BMW Car Club of America (NCCBMWCCA) wants to welcome you as a new member. If you have joined the club since April 1, 2014, you’re invited to our Spring 2016 New Member Reception being held on Saturday May 7th. To welcome you to the chapter we are inviting you to come out and spend some time getting to know who we are and what we do. As the largest car club chapter in the world, we have the greatest and most diverse membership base you'll ever come across. We have programs and events intended to address all interests of the BMW enthusiast.
There will be a Cars and Coffee event as well as an Autocross event at FedEx Field on this date. New member activities will begin 9am with the Cars & Coffee and Autocross events at FedEx Field. There will be an opportunity for those interested to ride along with Autocross participants. We will leave FedEx Field at 10:30am and proceed to Passport BMW for lunch and a short presentation.
The reception will be hosted by Passport BMW in Camp Springs, MD
Date: May 7, 2016
Time: 9am
Place: FedEx Field (Redskins Stadium)
1600 Fedex Way
Landover, MD 20785
Our Board of Directors and Program Heads will be in attendance to give an overview of chapter activities, and help answer any questions you may have. Please mark this date on your calendars, and we look forward to seeing you there.
Note to potential attendees: The host of this event is spending a great deal of time, energy, and money to make this reception possible. Please be aware of this effort when your register for the reception. If you register and then find yourself unable to attend please cancel your registration on this site, or notify the chapter at membership@nccbmwcca.org.