Sat, Sep 5 - Sun, Sep 6, 2020

Southwestern Ohio Autocross Challenge

Traders World

About this event

MVSCC / Cincy SCCA Solo COVID-19 Operating Guidelines Executive Summary
(Up to Date Full Version Available on our website)

  • Event may be canceled to comply with COVID-19 mandates
  • Do not attend if you are or have been sick with COVID-19 type symptoms in the past 14 days
  • Preregistration/Prepay only, NO Onsite/Walk-up Registrations
  • Spectators are discouraged
  • It is highly recommended everyone on site wear a mask/facial covering when not wearing a helmet
  • Social distancing measures are required on site
  • Requested to bring nitrile or latex gloves for your work assignment
  • Drivers meeting will be held over PA and FM Radio
  • Passengers discouraged, but allowed with PPE or Full Face Mask for both
  • Co-driving is permitted with social distancing
  • Credit Card will not be charged until registration closes
  • If event is cancelled after registration closes, we will refund or credit

* We continue to monitor the situation closely and will provide updates as we receive them. We appreciate your understanding. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us via email or on Facebook message (


Welcome to MVSCC & CincySCCA Solo (Autocross) Program

Saturday + Sunday Morning:

  • MVSCC Points event
    • Must register in NASA class
    • Year-End-Points awarded for each day (2 separate point events)
  • Cincy Non-Points event
    • Finish position based on best of first 4 runs each day added together (Must Compete Both Day for the Trophies.  *Subject to change)
    • Bracket Challenge Sunday (Qualifying based on Sunday Morning results only)
  • The Course reverse on Sunday
  • Minimum four (4) runs each day with target of 5-6 on Saturday
  • Trailers and cars can be paddocked over night starting Fri late afternoon
  • On-site camping permitted at south end of Traders World property outside of fenced area
  • Investigating onsite driver check-in and tech Fri

Sunday Challenge (Bracket Racing)

  • Qualify based on results from the Morning runs.
  • Challenge will use Sunday course.
  • Top 8 in pax from each of the 4 heats qualifies for the challenge.  If competitors decline challenge slots with be filled by the 9th, 10th place qualifiers etc.
  • Once challenge starts, PAX no longer used.  Dial in time established from Sunday morning best run.
  • Car closest to dial-in wins.
  • Breakout defied as car went faster than dial-in
  • No breakout penalty
  • If one car breakout, that car wins
  • If both cars breakout, car with higher breakout wins
  • If car breakout, breakout becomes new dial-in.
  • First bracket is best of two runs,  all other brackets single runs.

*More details will be announced on our facebook group page (, as well as via email through MSR.  Please stay tuned!


Do you like to drive hard? Test your car control skills? Then the Autocros is for you!  It is a Precision Driving Competition. During autocross, drivers compete against the clock as they navigate tight technical courses in an everyday driving car, or a specially prepared race car! It is a Fun, Challenging, and Safe driving competition, and it is also a great learning opportunity of car control skills.

All you need to join our event is to register, and bring your road worthy cars (some exception may apply).

If you want to run an event with us, but have no idea how to fill out this form.. DON'T WORRY! We are here to help! Email us at, or visit our Facebook page and message us.

Autocross competition is broken down into a number of classes so that virtually any car can be competitive. So whether you own a Corvette or a Camry, you can be sure you'll have a great time.

For those new to autocross (roughly 1 year or less), the CincySCCA Region highly encourages participating our novice program. Those who register in one of our two Novice Index classes (based on car & modifications) can be paired with experienced drivers to help with all aspects of the events (including driving techniques). Whereas it is highly encouraged, it is not mandatory but does offer the opportunity for novices to run with others at similar experience levels.

For more information about race dates, location and entry fees, check out the Solo schedule of events and the Solo supplementary regulations. You can find more information on our website, and be sure to join our Facebook group (Please answer the join request questions!) CincySCCA Solo -Autocross.

If you are SCCA Member

***Your SCCA Member#, First & Last Name MUST match your national SCCA Membership exactly***

***Your SCCA Membership will be verified based on the events date. If your membership expires before the event dates, please renew your membership before registering or you will be charged for the weekend membership***

If you are MVSCC Member

***Please select weekend membership when you register, and once you complete your registration, please contact us.  We will verify your membership with MVSCC and will waive your weekend membership fee.  The process will not be automatic, so you must contact us.


Minor waivers require signatures from BOTH parents. Minor waivers are required for minors that will be in "hot zones" at the event (i.e. grid, course). A separate spectator viewing area (Paddock area) next to the hot zones will be marked, which will not require a waiver to be in. The minor waiver form is available here:

Event Schedule (all times approximate)


7:00AM Site Opens

7:30-8:30AM: Registration/Check-in (Everyone Must Check in by 8:30 or you will be charged a $20 Late Fee and may lose your spot!)

7:30-8:45AM: Tech inspection (We accept annual tech from other SCCA regions)

9:15-9:30AM: Mandatory drivers meeting

10:00AM: First car off

~ 4:00PM:Trophy presentation


7:00AM Site Opens

7:30-8:30AM: Registration/Check-in (Everyone Must Check in by 8:30 or you will be charged a $20 Late Fee and may lose your spot!)

7:30-8:45AM: Tech inspection (We accept annual tech from other SCCA regions)

8:45-9:00AM: Mandatory drivers meeting

9:00AM: First car off

2:00PM (estimate): Shoot Out (Top Pax Drivers + Randomly Selected Drivers)

~ 4:00PM:Trophy presentation


SCCA/MVSCC Member, preregister, prepay: $40/day ($10 discounts for registering both day)

Non-SCCA/MVSCC-members an additional $15 to cover the required weekend membership.

*Payment will be processed when the registration closes.  For any cancellation after registration closes, please refer to our cancellation policy.

Bring family and friends to enjoy our competition, shopping, food and fun at Traders World (open 9-5)! (Please refer to the COVID-19 Guideline)

We are very excited to be at Traders World! Remember that we are guests at the site and competitors and their friends are expected to act accordingly.

Truck, trailers, and cars can be left onsite overnight Sat. Site is locked by 7:00pm. Onsite camping is prohibited but parking for overnight camping is available outside the fence on the north end of Traders World property 

Please preregister and prepay for events. If cap has been reached register on the waitlist as many times most waitlisted people get in due to cancellations. Walkup registrations will not be available. Online registration really helps get our competition day off to better start and will save you a few dollars.  Even if you are wait-listed, it will give you priority over those who register later onsite.

ENTRY CAP: Saturday - 160 / Sunday - 160

Event requirements

When you register, please make sure your MotorsportReg profile is as complete and correct as possible.

It is important to always use the same name, spelled exactly the same way, for each event.  Failure to do so will result in season points scoring errors.


Important information about our autocross site at Traders World, 601 Union Rd, Lebanon, OH 45036:

  • Each vehicle entering the site must pay a $2.00 cash entry fee each day. Ask for a coupon at the gate granting return free entry if you leave the site during the day. Exact change is appreciated.
  • Use the North entrance off Union Rd, near the railroad tracks. Do NOT use the main entrance on SR 63.
  • No overnight camping allowed...gates are closed and locked at 7:00 each night. Contact Kent at for recommendations.
  • For multi-day events, vehicles and trailers may be left in paddock overnight but there will be no access after 7:00p.
  • We are very excited to be at Traders World! Remember that we are guests at the site and competitors and their friends are expected to act accordingly.

*Suggest filling paddock from grid toward gate. Please limit additional spaces as paddock space is tight.

Car Classifications

Cincinnati Region SCCA accept all SCCA Classifications.  In addition, we also have Index Classes for similar category cars, as well as Novice, Pro, and Tire Index.

SCCA Classification is based on Year/Make/Model of the car as well as modification done to the car. Please check out SCCA Solo Rules for more info. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us; we are here to help!

If you choose to, we have Index Classes based on class category (Street, Street Touring, Street Prepared, Street Modified, Prepared, and Modified), as well as competitor's experience level (Novice and Pro).  We also have Tire Index Class for vehicles in Street Prepared and above category but choose to run with street tires (UTQG above 200tw).

For example, a new competitor can run "Novice" PAX class with other novice drivers, regardless of their car and its preparation level.  The competitor's time will be multiplied by "PAX Index", so that theoretically it will eliminate the factor of what car everyone is driving.

The intent of the PAX Classes is to create larger competition groups.  They are fun and very popular.  If you do not want to run in a PAX Class, Select the appropriate class for your car, and then select "None" for the PAX Class.

For Cincinnati index classes, identify your car with the index class and car number ONLY. For example, if entered in the Street Open (S) class with the number 12, your car should be identified as "12 S". There is NO need to put your base class on the car. Make sure your class and number are clearly visible from a distance. This helps a great deal in making our event operations run smoothly.

If you have questions or need help with registration please e-mail the event organizer.


7:00AM Site Opens

7:30-8:30AM: Registration/Check-in (Everyone Must Check in by 8:30 or you will be charged a $20 Late Fee and may lose your spot!)

7:30-8:45AM: Tech inspection (We accept annual tech from other SCCA regions)

9:15-9:30AM: Mandatory drivers meeting

10:00AM: First car off

~ 4:00PM:Trophy presentation


7:00AM Site Opens

7:30-8:30AM: Registration/Check-in (Everyone Must Check in by 8:30 or you will be charged a $20 Late Fee and may lose your spot!)

7:30-8:45AM: Tech inspection (We accept annual tech from other SCCA regions)

8:45-9:00AM: Mandatory drivers meeting

9:00AM: First car off

2:00 PM~ Shoot Out (Top Pax Drivers + Randomly Selected Drivers)

~ 4:00PM:Trophy presentation


SCCA/MVSCC Member, preregister, prepay: $40/day ($10 discounts for registering both day)

Non-SCCA/MVSCC-members an additional $15 to cover the required weekend membership.

* Payment will be processed when the registration closes.  For any cancellation after registration closes, please refer to our cancellation policy.
* Price may vary for Special Events (i.e Test and Tunes, Schools, etc)
* Some events requires Pre-Register / Pre-Pay, and do not accept walkup registration or onsite pay

Bring family and friends to enjoy our competition, shopping, food and fun at Traders World (open 9-5)!

We are very excited to be at Traders World! Remember that we are guests at the site and competitors and their friends are expected to act accordingly.

Please preregister and prepay for events. If cap has been reached, register on the waitlist as many times most waitlisted people get in due to cancellations. Walkup registrations will not be available. Online registration really helps get our competition day off to better start and will save you a few dollars.  Even if you are wait-listed, it will give you priority over those who register later onsite.

Entries (159)

Adam Popp
Fan Shen
Scott Meyer
Huailin "David" Mei
Cory Kinser
Chen Wenchong
Brandon Allen
Danielle Allen

Traders World

Lebanon, OH


Autocross/Solo organized by

SCCA - Cincinnati Region - Solo

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Event over!