Fri, Apr 16 - Sat, Apr 17, 2021

SJR SCCA Spring Time Trials & HPDE

NJMP Lightning

About this event

SJR SCCA Time Trials & Track Days


Event #1 - Time Trials and Track Day 4/16/2021

Time Trials - One 20 minute practice session and two 20 minute time attack sessions. 

Early bird entry - $180 must register before 4/3/2021

Entry - $200 after 4/4/2021


Track day/HPDE 

Four 20 minute sessions.

Early bird entry - $180 must register before 4/3/2021

Entry - $200 after 4/4/2021


All You Can Eat (AYCE) - Time Trials & Track day entry

One 20 minute practice session, two 20 minute time attack sessions & four 20 minute HPDE sessions

Early bird entry - $300 must register before 4/3/2021

Entry - $350 after 4/4/2021

Add Saturdays Track Sprint for $50


Event #2 - Track Sprint 4/17/2021

Event is 5+ timed runs on a closed section of NJMP Lightning.

Time trial sprint events are a timed point A to point B race on a closed section of the track with a standing start/flying finish with no cones. Each car is sent one at a time. There are novice classes and classing allows anything from street cars to race cars! It allows you to experience corners and speeds you wouldn't experience on lapping sessions and help you master parts of the track you might be struggling with.

Early bird entry - $100 must register before 4/3/2021

Entry - $120 after 4/4/2021



Credit Cards will be charged immediately. No charge for refunds two weeks prior to the event, cancellations within two weeks of the event will result in a 50% refund and 50% credit for a future event.


Join the South Jersey Region Time Trials & Track days on New Jersey Motorsports Lightning Track.  Detailed participation requirements are contained in the event Supplemental Regulations.  By entering this event the participant acknowledges that they have read and understand the "supps" and agree to abide by them.


Insurance is not required for this event, but is recommended.  SJR SCCA does not endorse any particular insurance vendor.

If you have any questions or need assistance registering for the event contact the Track Events Chairman, Joshua Kuehne,


Time Trials Rules

Time Trials Classing Information

Print and fill out the Tech Sheet and bring it to the event


Event requirements


Tentative Schedule of Events


Friday, April 16th 2021

7:00 - 10:00 AM Registration Open - Classroom

7:00 - 9:00 AM Tech Open - Garage

8:30 AM Mandatory Driver's Meeting – Classroom or Garage

9:00 AM Track Day - Intermediate/Advanced Session 1 (20 min.)

9:25 AM Track Day - Novice/Intermediate Session 1 (20 min.)

9:50 AM Time Attack - Open Wheel practice (20 min.)

10:15 AM Time Attack - Intermediate/Advanced Lapping/Practice (20 min.)

10:40 AM Time Attack - Novice/Intermediate Lapping/Practice (20 min.)

11:05 AM Track Day - Intermediate/Advanced Session 2 (20 min.)

11:30 AM Track Day - Novice/Intermediate Session 2 (20 min.)

11:55 AM Time Attack - Open Wheel Time Attack Session 1 (20 min.)

12:20 PM Time Attack - Intermediate/Advanced Time Attack Session 1 (20 min.)

12:55 PM LUNCH BREAK – approx.

1:55 PM Time Attack - Novice/Intermediate Time Attack Session 1 (20 min.)

2:20 PM Track Day - Intermediate/Advanced Session 3 (20 min.)

2:45 PM Track Day - Novice/Intermediate Session 3 (20 min.)

3:10 PM Time Attack - Open Wheel Time Attack Session 2 (20 min.)

3:35 PM Time Attack - Intermediate/Advanced Time Attack Session 2 (20 min.)

4:00 PM Time Attack - Novice/Intermediate Time Attack Session 2 (20 min.)

4:25 PM Track Day - Intermediate/Advanced Session 4 (20 min.)

4:50 PM Track Day - Novice/Intermediate Session 4 (20 min.)

5:15 – 6:00 PM Open Track for all drivers (45 min.)

6:20 PM Awards Social Event (presented 30 minutes after last checker)

7:00 PM Track Closed


Saturday, April 17th 2021

3:00 - 5:00 PM Registration Open - Classroom

3:00 - 5:00 PM Tech Open - Garage

5:00 PM Mandatory Driver's Meeting – Classroom

5:30PM - Grid

6:00 - 7:30PM - Track Hot

7:00 PM Track Closed


This note contains important information for events requiring helmets in New Jersey during the 2021 season, as dictated by the New Jersey State Police.

The New Jersey Department of Law and Public Safety governs motorsport events in the state through its Chapter 62 Motor Vehicle Racetrack Regulations. These supersede, by law, requirements specified in our SCCA General Competition Rules.

SA 2010 / SAH 2010 / M 2010 helmets will NOT be allowed for use at events in New Jersey during the 2021 season.

While the SCCA states that SA 2010/ SAH 2010 helmets are allowed until 12/31/21, for events in NJ such as our Time Trials and Track Day events we are NOT allowed to accept Snell 2010 helmets. Only closed face SA 2015 and 2020 helmets can be used.


South Jersey Region SCCA COVID-19 Guidelines


General Operations

  • We will not provide community beverage coolers. We suggest participants bring their own
  • Use disinfecting wipes or disinfectant spray and disposable towels to wipe down equipment, supplies, shared work areas and surfaces between uses, shift changes and frequently throughout the day
  • Clean frequently touched surfaces such as tables, counters, doorknobs, light switches, pens, keyboards, and cones (when used)
  • As much as possible, staff should keep a single radio with them and not hand off between staff members; before storing or when giving it to another staff member, wipe off the radio with a disinfectant wipe
  • Events will be closed to spectators. Racers, crew and family only.
  • Drivers shpuld park 6’ away from other vehicles or as far as paddock space allows
  • There will be hand washing and sanitizer stations in and around the facility
  • Only essential, on-duty workers are allowed in specialty work areas such as timing and scoring; when someone is not working a session, they should remain at their cars or follow social distancing protocols

Social Distancing

  • All participants and workers MUST wear masks, for not only their own safety but for the safety of everyone on-site
  • Six feet of space should be kept between individuals for the entirety of the event, except in cases of participants that are part of the same household
  • Limit physical contact; refrain and discourage hugs, handshakes and high-fives
  • Staff may need to gently reinforce this requirement throughout the event
  • Anyone who continues to ignore social distancing procedures even after staff input may need to be asked to leave


  • Online registration only. No walk-ups.
  • Registrar shall be 6 ft apart.
  • If registration is held indoors:
    • Limit the number of people permitted inside based on the size of the room, keep 6 feet apart.
    • Mark the floor indicating where people should stand—use a bright color like blue or green painters tape
    • Use different doors for entrance and exit, when possible
  • If available, utilize online waivers through registration software.
  • Do not handle clipboards. Have waivers sitting in a place accessible by the participant. Sanitize hands before and after handling the pen.
  • Registrars should not handle membership cards or driver’s licenses.
    • Ask member to hold it up and visually check the validity OR
    • Use member look-up in the Member Account Portal to verify membership
  • Have wristbands or event credentials on a table for participants to pick up or have registrar just hand it to the participant to put on. Wristbands should be separated prior to opening registration.

Driver & Worker Meetings

  • Driver meetings will be held if they are outside and social distancing protocols will be followed.
  • Add information about COVID-19 procedures to your normal meeting content and allow for Q&A


  • Self-tech w/oversight
  • Have driver perform functions to verify equipment where possible
  • Wear nitrile gloves* (nitrile preferred to latex due to allergies)

Pit lane/Black Flag

  • all participants and workers to wear masks, for not only their own safety but for the safety of everyone on-site
  • All pit lane workers must wear a mask when conversing with drivers or other workers.
  • When speaking to drivers use the passenger side whenever possible to allow for extra distance. If the car is particularly loud and makes it challenging to speak from a distance, you may need to ask the driver to turn off the car

Corner workers

  • Disinfect shared equipment and supplies before and after each use
  • Assign household members together, when possible
  • Keep corner teams together at the same station during the entire event
  • All personnel drive separately to the station, when possible; if this is not possible, do not fill the transport vehicle to capacity and have passengers wear masks

Trophy presentation

  • Hold outside and follow social distancing protocols
  • If social distancing cannot be achieved, trophy presentations should be eliminated.
  • No physical contact
  • Utilize “No Contact” trophy presentation (i.e. set trophies on table/podium steps for pickup)
  • If used, do not share the microphone

Entries (81)

Grace Huntzinger
Matthew Baum
John Hotz
Kyle Robertson
Yiannis Tsiounis
Donald Privett
JP Patterson
Steven Schuh

NJMP Lightning

Millville, NJ
Download track map
Download track map


Time Trial organized by

SCCA - South Jersey Region (SJR) - Track Events

More events from this organizer
SJR SCCA Time Trials Spring Track Sprint Event 1
SJR SCCA Time Trials Spring Track Sprint Event 1
Bader Field
SJR SCCA Time Trials & Track Day Lightning Event 2
SJR SCCA Time Trials & Track Day Lightning Event 2
NJMP Lightning

Event over!