About this event
Sims Metal Management recycle yard
699 Seaport Blvd.
Port of Redwood City
So what happens to cars, busses, railroad cars when they reach the end of their usefulness? Well, of course these days pretty much everything is recycled, but how do they do this? Join us for this private tour and you will find out.
I’m sure some of you are thinking this doesn’t sound too interesting or exciting especially on a Wednesday morning. This is big machinery and a heavy industrial site, it is noisy, brutal, and very exciting. You will see whole cars picked up and tossed into a shredder which reduces them down to small pieces in under a minuet. Where does all this scrap go? What kind of machines does it take to do this? You will find out on our tour.
The Redwood City yard produces over 3000 tons of scrape even year and is only one of 270 yards around the world owned by Sims who is the leading metal recycler for planet. This will be the only announcement for this event and is limited to only 15 attendees.
So if you want to go please sign up early to secure a place as we very limited in the number of attendees
The cost is $15.00
For further information contact:
Peter Judy
Event requirements
You must be an MBCA member to register. Registration fee is $15.00 per person.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact Peter Judy 408 - 348-2239