Sat, Jul 17 - Sun, Jul 18, 2021

SFR Regional Events - July 17-18

Crows Landing

About this event


We are using Speed Waivers for the waivers for this event to minimize person to person contact. To use speed waivers, you must have a smart phone. Be sure to sign your speed waiver before you get to the event so that you can breeze through. Speed Waiver can be accessed HERE

Because of the limited entries allowed, those over 65 will be required to work. We will do our best to accommodate those with special work requirements.

Cancellations will not be accepted after registration closes.


  • Work/Run Groups will be determined after we get a better idea of attendance. All groups will be in the morning. There will not be a midday/lunch break. If you are running these events, plan on being there in the morning. First car out will be 9 AM Saturday and 9 AM Sunday.
  • Onsite waiver and registration check-in will only be open from 7:30 – 8:45am.
  • While not a requirement, you are strongly encouraged to complete your waiver using the SpeedWaiver online waiver system. This requires a mobile phone to receive your authentication. The link for the SpeedWaiver for our event is located here:
  • NO SPECTATORS – site entrance will be monitored and all people not registered for the event will be asked to leave. This is not the time to invite friends and extended family out to spectate at our events. 
  • Masks are REQUIRED for anyone who isn't vaccinated.
  • Bottled water WILL NOT BE PROVIDED – please make sure to bring your own
  • What should I bring to the event?
  • Mask & hand sanitizer (and any other PPE)
  • Pen
  • Helmet
  • Water & food
  • Sunscreen


Event process

Entrance to site and Waiver/Registration

Please do not show up at the site the day of the event and expect to get into the event if you have not successfully completed the online registration. If you do, you will be asked to leave. 

  1. Entrance to the site should be via Ike Crow Road (as usual).   Please do not show up before 7am!
  2. Each car entering the site will be required to stop at Waiver/Registration area.
  3. Everyone in the vehicle will sign the waiver sheet, show the SpeedWaiver photo on their phone OR show their annual waiver hard card. Note waivers MUST be signed or otherwise verified in the presence of waiver workers. 
  4. Waiver Wristbands for entrants and crew will be provided and put on before moving to the paddock.
  5. Entrants will inform registration of their name and car info from their car.
  6. Entrants will be confirmed their work assignment at Registration

Grid and Tech

  1. Grid will retain its usual A and B Chevron style grid set up, with 2 driver cars in the designated 2 driver lane. 
  2. Tech will be on grid as usual and use the following steps:

2019 or 2020 Annual Tech sticker already on car : 

    1. Entrant will do their expected self-tech to the vehicle before arriving on grid.

All cars that do not have 2019 or 2020 annual tech stickers will follow this process:

  1. A Tech inspector will come up to your car, YOU NEED TO BE AT THE CAR WHEN THIS HAPPENS!
  2. Tech inspector will physically go through the OUTSIDE items on the car.    This may include, but not limited to : all lugnuts present/tight, wheel bearings are tight, battery properly secured, helmet is legal.
  3. Tech inspector will ask the entrant to demonstrate the INSIDE items on the car : no loose items in car (floormats OK only if secured properly by FACTORY tie-down points), throttle/brake/clutch pedals return as expected, seat belts/harnesses OK.
  4. Tech will apply tech sticker on vehicle windshield or other appropriate spot

Work Assignments 

Timing trailer

  • Trailer will have minimal staff, prior experience is required
  • Timing trailer is off limits to all except those working in the timing trailer


Detailed event info can be found on HERE

Reminder: You have to work! We keep a running list of those of you have skipped out on work. Check it out HERE and make sure you aren't on it.

Be sure to verify your number/class comination is available by comparing it to the taken class numbers found HERE

Cancellations will not be accepted after registration closes.

Event requirements

All participants must be SCCA members. This can be an annual SCCA membership, or a Weekend membership

Loaner Helmets are available on site.


Regional Event Entry (pre-registered): $55

Regional Event Entry (on-site registration): $70 

Weekend Membership: $15

Cancellations will not be accepted after registration closes.

Entries (131)

Daniel Marien
Scott Leer
Kyle Banner
Vaclav Hasik
Boris Elpiner
Mick Maier
Nikbir Bath
Craig Boyle

Crows Landing

Crows Landing, CA


Autocross/Solo organized by

SCCA - San Francisco Region - Solo

More events from this organizer
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Event over!