About this event
2015 Summer Driver Training
June 7, 13 & 14, 2015
The Race Driver Training Program is organized and operated by the SCCBC's Race Drivers Committee. Membership on this committee is by invitation. The members of this committee are a group of the best racers in the club. Most have won championships in their class and others are those who have done consistently well over the years and proven themselves capable of excelling in all race conditions.
The three day course includes 1 day of classroom instruction and 2 days of on-track instruction. Students are assigned an instructor which they may share with a couple of other students. In the classroom session, the students study the Race Driver Training Manual. This covers the basics such as seating position, shifting, racing lines and apexes, and general race procedures.
The on-track instruction starts with a walk of the track and a description of the corners. Next, comes the slow speed dual instruction - the instructor drives the car around the track at slow speed while pointing out the racing line and apex in each of the corners. Now it's the student's turn to drive. By the end of the first day on track, the students have increased their driving speed considerably. The second day on the track starts with a short review, then it's back out on the track. The speed is slowly increased with each session, until the student is comfortable driving the track at racing speeds.
The students are observed by the instructors throughout the entire weekend. They are given feedback on their driving position, and control in the drivers seat, as well as their chosen line through the corners.
At the end of the course, those who have successfully completed the course and who intend to go racing may purchase a novice racing license. Three races must be completed under observation as a novice after which time a driver may upgrade to a senior license, which allows them to compete in club championship races. For more information on our Race Driver Training Program call Cory at 604-302-9297.
This course is mainly for people intending to go racing and for those wishing to improve on their driving skill. This course, upon completion, is recognized by ASN CANADA FIA, CACC, ICSCC, and usually SCCA, for qualification toward a novice race license. For further information on novice requirement, contact the CACC Novice Director.
Entries are now open, and close one week prior to the first date of the course (on a first come, first serve basis).
Cost: $475.00 plus GST = $498.75
Download the Course Announcement and Schedule here
Event requirements
Provincial (N or higher) or State driver’s licence that you have held for a minimum of 6 months (must be produced at registration).
Snell Foundation approved helmet SA2000 or newer, must be in very good condition and must be shown at tech.
Cars must have passenger seat & minimum three point seat belts on both seats. Convertibles & open cars must have CACC approved (race approved) roll bars. No trucks or minivans are allowed. Vehicles without proper seating and/or restraint systems for both front seats are not permitted.
Liability waivers must be signed. Note: Your ICBC insurance coverage is NOT valid while you are on the track.
The RDC reserves the right to refuse entries and suspend participation at any time.
All fluids must be taken from the track. Bring suitable containers if you will be bleeding brakes or changing fluids at the track.
Vehicles will be inspected and must be in sound mechanical condition and fully mufflered to allow normal conversation in the vehicle. Loose articles must be removed.
Cars must be equipped equally for both driver & passenger safety and comfort. Roll bars must be padded where contact is possible.
Spare front brake pads are recommended.
Race cars are not permitted and students should supply a reliable street car.
All students must have a valid street driver’s license. You will be required to sign a waiver. Minors require signatures and presence of both parents or legal guardians.