About this event
SCCA Texas Region Super School
Motorsport Ranch - Cresson, TX
September 18-19-20, 2020
The SCCA Texas Region Super School, is designed to be a fast paced, thorough introduction to SCCA Road Racing, and to get you well on your way to a Full Competition Race License.
Friday afternoon will consist of Registration, Classroom Activity & Instruction, On Track Ride Along with instructors (in street vehicles). It is imperative that you arrive by 3:00pm on Friday and expect to stay until 8pm.
Motorsport Ranch will be hosting a Test & Tune on Friday with a separate registration. If you have prior track experience at Motorsport Ranch you may enter this Test & Tune. Please note that you will not be able to complete the entire day as your presence in the School will be required starting at 3pm.
Saturday will consist of fast paced on track drills with intermintent instructional breaks. Towards the end of the day expect mock starts, mock races, and an impound all tech session. The day will end with a review with instructors & Chief Steward. If you are deemed eligible to race, you will be permitted entry into the Club Races on Sunday, for an additional fee. - While Sunday is optional, it is highly recommended, in order to expedite your path to Full Competition License.
Sunday will include a warmup session, qualifying, and (2) races along with the already licensed club racers.
MANDATORY Participation in all On Track and Off Track Sessions is required to be eligible for Graduation.
PLEASE READ the Event Supplemental Regulations for all Rules for the Event.
MSRC_SchedSupps_20200919_v02.pdf - update 08/29/2020
Event requirements
The Competition License School Requires steps to be completed before the event. Some of these items can be slightly time consuming so please start them immediately. Unlike events in the past we will not be issuing Novice Permits at the event. They must be in your hands prior to the event.
- You must register for school as soon as possible.
- You must be a current SCCA Member. Click Link to Join - Please enter Sitara Wilson 422396 as your referral
- You must have a "race prepped" SCCA Compliant car with a current Annual Inspection and working transponder. If you need to have your car inpected or need to have an Annual completed, or are looking for a rental option please contact me ASAP. txregionsccarace@gmail.com
- You must Have a Medical Physical Exam Completed - must be printed in COLOR. Medical_v2017.06.14.pdf
You must have a NOTARIZED Annual Waiver on File in the SCCA National Office - Print in COLOR SCCA_Adult_Annual_Waiver_1306_01_16.pdf ,
- If you are a Minor please contact me ASAP.
- SCCA_Minor_Notary_1068_09_15.pdf
- You must Have a Novice Permit in hand - Application must be sent to National Office (along with Annual Waiver and Physical Exam) and they will mail you the Permit. I suggest emailing scanned copies to save time and retaining a copy of all items. Novice_Permit_01042020_Final_edits.pdf
- You must complete the SCCA Online Training prior to the event. This can take a couple hours but is broken into modules to be completed at different times if necessary. Click for Instructions
Any questions along the way please do not hesitate to send me an email. txregionsccarace@gmail.com