Sat, Apr 21 - Sun, Apr 22, 2018

SCCA Spring Training Time Trials

GingerMan Raceway

About this event

SCCA Time Trials Presented by South Bend and Detroit Regions, GingerMan Raceway, April 21-22, 2018

Sanction # 18-TTTT-5630-S

Held Under SCCA Time Trials Rules



REGISTRATION:  Drivers must preregister for the Time Trial online at Registration will NOT be available on site and closes on at 11:59 PM on April 16th. All competitors must be a member of SCCA.

If you are not a member, you have two options:

  1. Become a SCCA weekend member. You can do this when you register online. Cost is $15

  2. Become a SCCA member. This may be done before you register, or we can help you become a SCCA member when you show up at registration. Go to If you use a SCCA member as a reference, you may be eligible for a discount. If you don’t know a SCCA member, you can use the event chairman’s name: Jeff Luckritz, member # 172591_1. There are also discounts for members of the military and those 24 years old and younger.


            Early bird entry fee when paying by credit card/online (before April 7th, 2018)           $240

            Entry fee (after April 7th and before April 16th, 2018)                                                 $265

            Transponder Rental Fee                                                                                              $25

            Time Trial Novice Permit Fee…SPECIAL DEAL!!                                                        FREE!!


CHIEF REGISTRAR: Chris Cunningham,

CHIEF STEWARD: Patrick Barber,


CHIEF OF SAFETY: Marcus Merideth,


  • Untimed Sessions. These sessions will give drivers an opportunity to learn the track and to earn their Time Trial Novice Permit.
  • TrackCross Day 1. One car versus the autocross timing lights. A standing start will be used and plenty of empty track will be allowed for the driver to cool down after the finish lights. After completion of the lap, drivers should continue safely and slowly to the false grid to get in line for another run. The number of runs will be determined on the day of the event and communicated with the drivers. The fastest time will count towards the driver’s overall time for the weekend.
  • Live timing on
  • Timed Laps. The best lap counts towards the driver’s overall time for the weekend. Transponders must be used and will be available for rental for a fee of $25.
  • TrackCross Day 2. Similar format to Day 1, but it will be a different portion of the track or track configuration.
  • Best Time = Best Time TrackCross Day 1 + Best Timed Lap + Best Time TrackCross Day 2

TIME TRIAL NOVICE PERMIT: Drivers that successfully complete the Saturday sessions will be eligible for a Time Trial Novice Permit. There is no charge for your Time Trial Novice Permit (Special Deal!).

RESULTS:     TrackCross 1: Best time counts
                       TrackCross 2: Best time counts
                       Timed Track Session: Best time counts
                       Overall Time = TrackCross 1 + TrackCross 2 + Timed track session best time

CLASSES:     Level 1-Sport              S1,S2,S3,S4,S5,S6
                       Level 2-Tuner             T1,T2,T3,T4,T5
                       Level 3-Max               M1,M2,M3
                       Level 4-Unlimited       U1,U2

                        For complete description of classes: CLICK HERE

TROPHIES: Will be awarded by class with the following parameters.

# of Starters          Trophy Awarded

       2                     1st place
       3                     1st and 2nd place
       4                     1st, 2nd and 3rd place

Event requirements

PASSING: Passing is only permitted in the sections indicated on the track map and must be done with a point by. If multiple cars wish to pass, a point must be given for each passing car. It is recommended that the car being passed maintain their line. Time Trial Officials reserve the right to alter this rule as needed and any changes will be announced in the Driver’s Meeting.  

SPINS/OFF-TRACK INCIDENTS: Driver’s must come into pit-lane/false grid and talk to a Time Trial Official before they may re-enter the track. Repeat offenders and/or drivers that are deemed unsafe by a Time Trial Official may be asked to leave and will not have their money refunded. 

DRIVER ELIGIBILITY: Drivers should meet one of the following:

DRIVER’S MEETING: There will be a REQUIRED driver’s meeting each morning. See the schedule for the time.

PASSENGERS: Only permitted during the first session on Saturday’s Pace Lap Session.

STOPPING ON COURSE: If for any reason a driver is forced to stop his car on the course during an event, it should be his first duty to place his car in such a manner as to cause no danger or obstruction to other competitors.

PADDOCK: Competitors may park anywhere west of the tower except the paved area at the north end where cars enter the track from the False Grid. The paddock is a “cold” area and is open to spectators.

FALSE GRID: Competitors should proceed to the false grid before their track sessions. Listen to the PA to be called to the false grid. It is the responsibility of the competitor to keep track of sessions and when they should proceed to the false grid. The false grid is considered a “hot” area.

                        Session                                                            False Grid Location

                        Saturday morning-untimed                             North end of paddock-paved portion

                        Saturday afternoon-TrackCross                      On track between turn 2 & 3

                        Sunday morning-timed                                   North end of paddock

                        Sunday afternoon-TrackCross                        On track between turn 2 & 3

FIRST SESSION/YELLOW FLAGS: During the first lap of each group’s first session on Saturday, yellow flags will be displayed at all manned corners. No passing is allowed.

ACCEPTED COMPETITION LICENSES: The following competition licenses are accepted for Time Trials events, SCCA Professional, National, Regional, Vintage and Novice, Waterford Hills. Also accepted are Canadian ASN-FIA licenses and those approved in the current GCR. All entrants must be SCCA members.

TIME TRIAL NOVICE PERMITS: Applicants under the age of 18 must apply directly to SCCA Member Services. A completed Annual Parental Consent, Release and Waiver of Liability, Assumption of Risk and Indemnity Agreement and a completed Minor’s Assumption of Risk Acknowledgment is required (note: forms vary by state and witnessing method).

WAIVERS: All participants (entrants, drivers, crew, workers, and guests receiving passes) shall sign the SCCA Participants Agreement (waiver of liability) prior to receiving credentials (passes). Holders of a SCCA Annual Waiver may be exempt from this requirement. Everybody on site will also be required to sign the GingerMan Raceway waiver. 

POSTPONEMENT, ABANDONMENT, OR CANCELLATION: We will run rain or shine. If the event is canceled during the competition due to forces beyond our control, then the entry fees will be prorated by time and a reasonable portion of the entry fee returned.

TIME TRIAL PARTICIPATION LOG BOOKS: Time Trial Participation Log Books (for PDX and Club Trials) and/or Time Trial Competition Licenses may be used as documentation of on-track experience that may gain credit towards an SCCA Club Racing Competition License at the discretion of the SCCA Drivers School Chief Steward.

HELMET AND EQUIPMENT: Helmets certified as meeting the applicable Snell, FIA, or SFI standards are acceptable. Acceptable standards include: Snell ratings SA2015, SA2010, SAH2010, SA2005, M2015, M2010, M2005, K2010 and K2005, SFI ratings 31.1, 31.1A, 3.12, 31.2A, 31.1 2005, 41.1, 41.1A, 41.2, 41.2A, 41.2 2005 and 24.1, FIA 8860-2010, 8859-2015.

All participants shall wear shoes which fully cover the foot at least to the ankle while on course.


VEHICLE PREPARATION AND INSPECTION: The entrant is responsible for insuring that the vehicle being used is properly prepared for operation under elevated acceleration, braking and cornering forces.

  • Level 1 and Level 2-is “self-tech,” have the Tech inspection sheet completed present it to the SCCA Chief of Tech located at the base of the tower.
  • Level 3 and Level 4 must present their vehicles to the Chief of Tech at the base of the tower.

VEHICLE SAFETY RULES: The complete SCCA Time Trials Safety Rules can be found on-line at:

VEHICLE NUMBERS: All vehicles must have legible (contrasting color at least 8" in height) numbers and class identification on/near the the driver and passenger side door.


Chief Steward

Patrick Barber


Safety Steward

Marcus Merideth


Chief Registrar

Chris Cunningham


Chief Instructor

Jeff Luckritz


Event Chair

Jeff Luckritz


Event Chair

Jim Krzyzewski


F&C Chief

H.C. Colwell


Chief of Timing(TrackCross)

Joe Jamison


Chief of Timing(Track Sessions)

David Ferris


Chief Technical and Safety Inspector

 Rod Markowicz


Basic Life Support

GingerMan Raceway


Wrecker Service

Harbor Towing



Lloyd Loring





Entries (58)

Darius Rudis
Charles Spreitzer
Nicholas Bondi
Chris Harvey
Michael Jones
Johnny Rose
Jeff Tucker
Ryan Paquette

GingerMan Raceway

South Haven, MI
Download track map
Download track map
Watch a video tour/lap
Watch a video tour/lap


Time Trial organized by

SCCA - South Bend Region - Solo

Event over!