Sun, Jun 26, 2011

RallyCross # 1

Greig Farm (Rallycross)

About this event

PSCC Rallycross Information

Location: Greig Farm in Upper Red Hook, NY

2011 Entry Fee: $35 for SCCA members, $50 for non-members


      7:00-8:30 AM - arrival, sign-in, walk in registration

      7:30-8:45 AM - tech inspection

      8:45 AM - participants' meeting

      ~9:00 AM - first car off

      noonish - lunch break ~30 minutes

      ~4:00 PM - event conclusion, equipment pick-up

      ~5:00 PM - awards and departure.

Directions: Check back here or with the PSCC web site a few days before the event for directions.  There are several different fields that we might use, and which one the event will be at depends on the weather/soil conditions before the event.  Do *not* assume that we will be running in the same field as a past event.

ALL cars must be muffled. No exceptions! We do not want noise complaints. No straight through mufflers. We have to be tough on this.

**All participants will be required to work.**

Tech inspection does not classify your vehicle. You need to know which class you fit into. See the Website for rules. 2011 SCCA Rallycross Rulebook

Special thanks goes to Chris Regan and Scott Beliveau from the New England Region!

Event requirements

All entrants must present a valid state drivers license at registration.  No exceptions!

Seat belts and helmets are mandatory per the SCCA RallyCross Rulebook.  Loaner helmets are available in various sizes.

All cars must be muffled.

All vehicles must pass a safety tech inspection before being allowed to compete.  Before showing up at the event, please check that your battery is being held down by more than a bungee cord, that all of your lug nuts are installed, and that any loose items have been removed from your car.

In cases where a vehicle is not permitted to compete due to failing tech inspection, a 100% refund of entry fees will be provided at the event site.

All participants will be required to work.

Tech inspection does not classify your vehicle. You need to know which class you fit into. See the Website for rules. 2011 SCCA Rallycross Rulebook

Greig Farm (Rallycross)

Red Hook, NY
Watch a video tour/lap
Watch a video tour/lap


RallyCross organized by

SCCA - New York Region - PSCC

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Registration closed