About this event
The Middle Georgia Region, Sports Car Club of America, announces another solo event for 2011.
We generally get between 6 - 8 runs per car per event. Come out and join us!
Event times:
8:00 am: Course Setup Begins
9:30 am: Registration and Tech Begin
10:30 am: Registration and Tech Close
11:00 am: Drivers Meeting and Driver Walk-Through
11:30 am: First Car on Course
Event requirements
Please have your Membership Card and valid Drivers License with you at driver check in.
Helmets are required, loaners available on site.
Registration Fees:
SCCA Members $30
Non-SCCA Members $40
First Time Entry $20
Minor Karts will not be run at this event. If you are interested in running a kart at a future event please contact us.