About this event
The SCCA Philadelphia Region 2021 SOLO Summer Series
Event #6
@ Ripken Stadium, Aberdeen MD
Online registration is required for this season. You will not be charged until registration closes. If you need to cancel on short notice such as if you are not feeling well on the morning of the event, please notify the registrar ASAP. This allows us to update our entry count and worker assignments.
You will need to have an SCCA Annual Waiver Hard Card or use the online Speedwaiver service to complete the waiver for the event. Speedwaiver is part of the check out process on the following pages.
COVID-19 Policies
Our 2021 season will continue follow the COVID-19 protocols adopted for the 2020 season in compliance with federal, state, and local guidelines, until further notice:
Everyone on-site is required to wear a mask for the safety of others and yourself during registration, drivers meeting, tech, and anytime you are in close proximity to others. If, while working course, you can appropriately distance yourself more than 6 feet away from any other person, the mask may be removed. If you cannot wear a mask, or choose not to, you will be asked to leave the event and not return to future events.
Philly Region will have cleaning supplies, hand sanitizer, and protective items like gloves available for those in work assignments that require some contact with common items. For example, technical safety inspectors checking cars, timing staff working on computers, and corner workers handling radios.
Loaner helmets will not be available at events. Please bring your own helmet or you will not be able to participate.
You must bring your own water. Community water coolers and shared coolers of water have been discouraged due to being a potential point of virus spread.
Registration will be pre-registration online only so we can alleviate the contact around walk-up registrations and so that we can maintain entry limits at a size that allow for social distancing compliance.
Tech safety inspection process will be self-conducted by each driver on their own car with the supervision of our tech staff
The drivers meeting will be held using the PA and the radio broadcast system. Please maintain distance from others during the meeting.
We ask everyone to maintain reasonable social distancing practices in registration lines, during the drivers’ meeting, at worker stations, during course walks, and in grid and paddock.
If you are not feeling well or believe you may be experiencing symptoms of an illness, please do not attend the event.
There will be no paper waivers. A hard card annual waiver is highly recommended, but we have SpeedWaiver digital waiver as well.
We reserve the right to ask anyone not following social distancing guidelines and our policies to leave the event.
If you drive in an autocross event, you will be expected to work in some capacity during the event while practicing good social distancing practices. If the safety measures and policies we have described in this document and in additional communications around the event are not acceptable to you, please do not attend.
Our events will be limited to competitors only. Non-competitors are allowed ONLY in the case of being the parent/legal guardian of a competing minor. If you are a minor, you must register your parent/guardian via MotorSportReg as well, and they must also complete the speedwaiver prior to the event if they do not have an SCCA annual waiver card.
Competitors must bring their own car numbers or tape to make them. We will not be able to provide painters tape as we have done in the past.
Event requirements
This event will be run in full-day format and is capped at a maximum of 100 drivers.
In order to register for this event, you must be an SCCA Member with Autocross experience. We are accepting a limited number of novices at this time - Please use the 'Contact The Event Organizer' link to inquire before registering, if you do not have any prior experience with Autocross.
Run order: (Please note that although we try to follow this run order as closely as possible, small changes may have to be made to keep the groups balanced)
- Heat 1 - Street (except BS/FS), SSR, SSC, P, M
- Heat 2 - XS, SM(all), CAM, ST, SP, BS, FS
Driving Directions
You must bring your own. Helmets must meet one of these certifications: PDF Download
Event Format
This event will be run in full-day format with two to three heats depending on attendance numbers.
Everyone must check-in at registration in the morning, to obtain a barcode for our timing system! PLEASE PRACTICE APPROPRIATE SOCIAL DISTANCING AT THE EVENT AT ALL TIMES. Please read the guidelines on the previous page.
The site is open at 6:30 AM. We suggest that you plan on arriving by 7:15 AM to allow time to get your car ready, check in at registration, get your work assignment, get your car through tech inspection, and then have time for course walks prior to the mandatory drivers' meeting.
Philadelphia Region Does not run a ladies class. However we will allow a maximum of four (4) drivers to register to co-drive one (1) vehicle in the same class. Notice must be given in advance by pre-registering online AND contacting the registrar. Notice must include which drivers will run off heat. The heat in which additional drivers run will be determined based upon worker needs. Philadelphia Region reserves the right to deny this privilege to anyone who abuses it or does not follow the above procedure. The drivers are expected to practice social distancing and sanitize the vehicle in between runs.
Event Schedule
- 7:30 Arrival
- 8:00 - 9:00 Mandatory Check-In @ reg/worker table
- 8:00 - 9:30 Course Walks
- 8:15-9:00 Tech Inspection
- 9:30 Mandatory Driver's Meeting
- 10:00 First Car Off
- Completion of Event Clean Up
SCCA Member Pre-registration Entry Fee:
General Requirements
All competitors must possess a valid US driver's license.
All competitors under 18 years of age are required to have a Minor Waiver form signed by a legal guardian. This form must be printed in color and either signed in the presence of an SCCA member at the event, or signed and notarized prior to the event. The minor waiver form is available here.
SCCA Membership
All competitors must be SCCA members. We are not issuing weekend memberships on-site.
If you need to sign up for a weekend membership, you may do so via SCCA.com. Because this temporary membership is not effective until the day of the event, you must then use the 'Contact the event organizer' link at the top of this page to request manual membership approval for this event.
An annual SCCA waiver hard card is recommended. If you do not have this, please complete the speedwaiver as part of the registration process on the next page.
Passengers are not permitted. No exceptions.
Work Assignments
Every attendee must help work the event. Assignments will be made in advance and emailed to you the night before the event. Please check in at the worker table by 9am to confirm that you are present.