Membership organized by
Mon, Jan 1 - Tue, Dec 31, 2024

PCMRC Membership (2024)

Greg Moore Raceway

About this event

Pacific Coast Mini Roadracing Club (PCMRC) is the Lower Mainland’s mini roadracing community. We promote on-pavement use of small-displacement motorcycles (up to 250cc) for fun and entertainment.

Mini roadracing is exactly like big bike racing. The racing lines, acceleration and braking is all to scale of a full size road courses but with a lower top speed. Racing these size bikes on a shorter course (kart track) lets you go out have a great day of roadracing without the fear of being seriously injured while still learning all of the skills needed for big bike racing.

There are points for each race, and trophies will be awarded at the end of the year. It does not take a new bike or a lot of money to be competitive in our club. It is one of the cheapest forms of racing in the Lower Mainland. Our club is really out to have a good time and a little bit of friendly competition.

Still have questions? Get in touch with us at or on our Facebook Group.

Let's go racing!

Event requirements

Your PCMRC membership includes insurance coverage and a race license for the year. You must be a member to participate in our events.

Membership Options:

  • Adult, Full-Year: $120
  • Youth (ages 6-15), Full-Year: $40

Race Fee Prepayment (sold separately from your Membership)

Are you committed to racing the full season with us? You can save a few bucks on race fees by prepaying for your race fees for the year. We have 10 rounds scheduled for the 2024 season. Typical race fees are $100/day for adults, $15/day for Youth (ages 6-9). Youth (ages 10-15) pay the adult rate unless there's an adult from the same family racing, in which case Youth (10-15) pay the Youth (6-9) rate. The prepayment option gives you 25% off for the whole year.

NOTE: For non-members who want to race with us, we offer a single-day race license for $30 (sold separately). You can buy a max of 2 of these per year; after that you have purchase a full club membership. Single-Day Race Licenses are available for purchase when registering for a specific race. 

Greg Moore Raceway

Chilliwack, BC


Membership organized by


Event over!