About this event
OVR/WOR PE1 Bitzers Farm
June 6 2020
Bitzers Farm
Bitzers Farm
1697 Upper Twin Rd
Greenfield, Ohio 45123
8:00AM-9:30AM Online Registration Check-in (Please be Prepared with Mask)
8:00AM-9:30AM Tech Inspection open (Please Follow Social Distancing Guidelines)
8:45AM-9:30AM Course open for walking (Socially Distant Be Prepared with Mask if Grouping up)
9:45AM-10:00AM Mandatory All Driver's Meeting (Socially Distant Be Prepared with Mask if Grouping up)
10:00AM First Heat Workers report
10:10AM First heat drivers report to grid
10:15AM First car on course
All Participants Must sign waiver and complete Covid health form to receive wrist band (There will be no spectators permitted on site)
On-Line SCCA members: $40
On-Line Non-SCCA members: $55 - included is a $15 weekend membership, which can be applied to a full-on membership.
Event requirements
All licensed drivers are eligible to enter.
Those with learners or "Temps" must drive with a licensed PARENT ,GUARDIAN or Household Member
Driver’s under 18 years of age must have a signed waiver by legal guardian or parent.
Everyone connected (drivers, workers,) with the event must sign a waiver and wear the provided wrist band in plain view.
Ohio RallyCross events will be conducted in accordance with the SCCA RallyCross Rules
These operating instructions are in response to the COVID-19 pandemic in an effort to keep our entrants, their friends, and family safe from undue risks of spreading the virus. These instructions are being put in place to comply with the Federal and State of Ohio ordered COVID-19 mandates. These will remain in effect concurrent with the aforementioned mandated policies and adjusted as mandates change.
- State of Ohio COVID-19 Guidelines, “Director’s Stay Safe Ohio Order”, dated 30 Apr 20. (https://coronavirus.ohio.gov/wps/portal/gov/covid-19/resources/public-health-orders/ )
- SCCA Solo Program COVID-19: Guidelines for Events (https://www.scca.com/pages/covid-19-event- guidelines and https://www.scca.com/pages/solo-1588021531-21)
- Masks must be worn to cover the mouth and nose. Improper masks or wearing a mask that does not meet this requirement will be grounds for disqualification from the event and dismissal from the site.
- Participants and Workers are encouraged to stay home if at higher risk.
- Participants and Workers who are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms such as fever, cough or shortness of breath cannot attend the event. Full refunds will be provided.
- Hand sanitizing using sanitizer or thorough hand washing is required. Gloves are not required but are encouraged if the participant or worker has them and wants to use them.
- Access to the rallycross site will be the driveway leading into Bitzer’s farm (8:00-close)
- Waivers and information will be available at this location.
- Participants must bring their own face mask. Face masks will not be available onsite.
- It is highly recommended everyone on site wear a mask/facial covering when not wearing a helmet.
- Workers must wear face masks when in the proximity of others.
- Hand sanitizer will be available on site.
- Everyone on site is encouraged to use hand sanitizer or wash their hands properly and frequently.
- Masks are required for any participant checking in with registration.
- During the event, either a person will be walking around with waivers or they will be signed at registration.
- Waiver workers must wear face masks and sanitize hands frequently.
- Pens will be disinfected before/after each use.
- Annual waivers are highly encouraged.
- Online waivers are actively being pursued by SCCA National office and will be utilized to the max extent possible once available.
- Online pre-registration, Pre-pay only. NO Walk-up Registration.
- Online registration will be open until 3:00pm one day prior to the event. We will extend/adjust as necessary but not anticipated to be closer than 6:00pm the day before the event.
- COVID-19 guidelines will be in event registration and posted on the Facebook group.
- If possible, Plexiglas or barriers will be positioned between the registration workers and the entrants.
- All workers inside the trailer must wear masks.
- Surfaces will be disinfected regularly.
- Masks will be worn by registration workers and hands will be sanitized frequently.
- Masks are required for any participant checking in with registration.
- Normal paddock guidelines apply for locations of types of vehicles.
- Participants must maintain the 6 foot social distancing mandate and are encourage to spread out as much as practical.
- Encourage to pull in your spot facing the course.
- Please pay attention to social distancing for those in the car adjacent to yours.
- Annual tech is highly encouraged for those who qualify – entrant is to perform self tech inspection prior to event arrival.
- Class numbers/letters must be on car (lettering height and contrast per SCCA rules).
- Tech inspection workers will wear gloves and masks.
- A separate tech inspection worker will be in charge of providing or placing tech stickers on cars.
- Will typically be accomplished the day prior to the event when possible.
- Minimal crew size of 6 to no more than 10 people.
- Social distancing will apply.
- Workers will wear masks when not wearing helmets for safety testing and will sanitize hands frequently.
- No passengers for testing the course unless required for safety.
- Performed morning of event.
- Number of set-up people will be minimized.
- Workers will wear masks (required when in the proximity of others) and sanitize frequently.
- Corner markers, fire extinguishers and flag handles will be disinfected prior to and after the event.
- All entrants are encouraged to wear a mask (especially when in the proximity of others).
- All must observe social distancing during the course walk. Be courteous to others who may be walking faster or slower than you. If you are going to stop during the course walk please move off course far enough so others can continue their walks if passing while maintaining a 6 foot clearance is not possible.
- Novice instruction – Must wear face masks and observe social distancing. Will have multiple instructors for smaller group sizes.
- Mandatory meeting will be conducted with social distancing guidelines and must wear a mask.
- COVID-19 guidelines will be discussed.
- Includes all workers (corner stations, start, traffic safety (if required), finish, etc).
- Workers will wear masks if within 6 feet of each other.
- Social distancing will apply and workers will spread out.
- Radios and flag handles will be disinfected before/after each heat.
- Bottles of water will not be provided for workers.
- Normal grid guidelines apply.
- Participants must maintain the 6 foot social distancing mandate and are encouraged to spread out as much as practical.
- Grid workers will wear masks unless social distancing is applied.
- Radios will be disinfected before/after each heat.
- All individuals will wear masks inside the trailer.
- Will be spread out at least 6 feet apart and/or wear masks as stated above.
- Surfaces, radios, chairs, computer touch points, clipboards, etc. will be disinfected at least before and after each heat, more frequently as desired.
- No passengers are allowed with the exception of those required by state issued license requirements (such as a learner’s permit) or safety.
- No loaner helmets will be available, participants must bring their own in compliance with SCCA RallyCross rules.
- If anyone on site begins to experience COVID-19 symptoms such as fever, cough or shortness of breath, contact an event official so they can isolate the individual and inform those who may have been exposed.
- Social distancing will be observed.
- Facial coverings required for everyone at the presentation.
- Masks are required for the worker handing out the trophies which will be placed on a table so the winner can pick it up. Hand sanitizing prior to handing out trophies is required.
- There will be no spectators permitted at the even until further notice. Only participants and workers are permitted onsite.
- Failure to follow the social distancing and person protection guidelines above can lead to disqualification and expulsion from the site.