Fri, Sep 3, 2010

Ohio Valley Region PDX

Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course

About this event


September 3,2010

Ohio Valley Region SCCA PDX@ Mid Ohio Sports Car Course

Sanction #10-PDX-1197-S

Event requirements


Supplemental Regulations for

Ohio Valley Region SCCA PDX@ Mid Ohio Sports Car Course

Held under the SCCA Time Trial Rules

                                       September 3,2010


Sanction #10-PDX-1197-S



This event is held under the 2010 SCCA Time trial Rules for a Level 1 PDX and as amended by the 2010 “Fastrack” published monthly and available on the SCCA website. Further amendments may also be published in these supplemental regulations.


Registration: Online Registration is required and can be made at


Mail in registrations that are incomplete or illegible or that do not include appropriate fees will not be accepted until the date they are completed. A LATE FEE of $50.00 will be charged to all entries not received by Sept 1,2010. A $25.00 fee will be charged for any checks returned by the bank. A $50.00 cancellation fee will be assessed if entry is not cancelled prior to Sept 1, 2010. No refund will be issued for cancellation received after Sept 2, 2010, or for entries that do not show up at the track. 


PDX Registrar:


Mary Ellen Hall

8465 Bridletree Way

Columbus, Ohio 43235


If you have any registration questions contact Mary or Larry Hall at or at 614-846-1228 (please call before 10 PM EDT.


Any Special delivery services or options used to mail entries must be sent with the provision that it can be delivered with no signature required. Due to the sanctioning requirements at this event the number of entries is limited. The event organizers and The Mid Ohio Sports Car Course reserve the right to refuse entry into this event without giving any reason for the refusal.


At Track Registration: The following items will be required for registration at the track; a valid drivers license and a current SCCA membership card. For participants who registered as non-SCCA members your weekend membership will be issued at registration. All participants will be issued a wristband from registration. This wristband must be displayed at all times.   It is the responsibility of each entrant to have current credentials with them at registration. There will be no calls to the SCCA National Office to verify credentials. At track registration will be held in garage #1. Waivers must be filled in at Gate #3 (Both Mid Ohio and SCCA)


Driver Eligibility: A valid state driver’s license is required. Time Trial and Club Racing Novice license holders must turn in credentials when registering at the track and must obtain them from the Chief Instructor at the end of the event. Participants should read and understand Section 3.1.1 of the TTR - Student Requirements and Responsibilities. 


Required Drivers Safety Equipment: Drivers will be required to provide the following safety equipment and present the following item for Tech Inspection with their vehicle. A full or open face helmet meeting Snell M95+ or SA95+ requirements or higher, suitable eye protection, Long Sleeve Shirt, Long Pants, and shoes that fully cover the foot to at least the ankle. Driving gloves are not required but are recommended. For Drivers using race prepared vehicles it is recommended that they be fully covered by at least one layer of an accepted fire resistant material.


Vehicle Eligibility: Open to all vehicles conforming to the SCCA TTR for Level 1 (PDX) events.  

1. Street Legal cars will be permitted: See TTR rules applying to PDX level 1 events. Any car that is street legal with a Current and Valid registration will be waived from the roll bar/roll cage requirements except for convertibles and targa top automobiles. These vehicles must use the factory-supplied hardtop using factory mounting hardware and mounting points; or have installed a roll bar that meets SCCA TTR rules Section 11.


2. Vehicles prepared to the Solo Rules class of Stock, Street Prepared, Street Touring, and Street Modified.


3. Vehicles prepared to SCCA GCR classes of Showroom Stock, Spec Miata, Touring or Improved Touring.


 All cars must pass tech prior to being permitted on the track. All vehicles used by drivers in the Novice and Intermediate classes must have a passenger seat and restraints.


 Flags and Their Meanings:

· Yellow, standing – something has happened ahead of you, but is off the track surface. Absolutely no passing. A yellow flag may be displayed for the first two laps of a session to allow all cars (and drivers) to warm up.

· Yellow, waving – something has happened ahead of you and is blocking at least some of the track surface. Slow down and be prepared to take evasive action or stop. Absolutely no passing.

· Red & yellow, striped – there is debris on the track ahead, possibly oil, coolant, dirt, an errant animal and/or parts of a fellow driver’s car. Be prepared to respond accordingly.

· Red – stop as quickly as safely possible, pull to the side of the track to allow maximum room for emergency vehicles, stay in your car and await instructions from a corner worker. We REALLY don’t want to show this flag!

· Blue / yellow stripe – a faster car is following. Allow it to pass at the next passing zone. Acknowledge the blue flag with a small wave to both the worker and the following car. This courtesy prevents tailgating, mirror driving, and promotes safety.

· Black – enter the pits at the next opportunity to consult with an event official.

· Black with red/orange center (“meatball”) – there is something wrong with your car. Proceed carefully to the pits to find out what.

· Checkered - will only be shown on driver’s left at Start/Finish line. The session is over. Proceed on a cool-off lap by slowing down and using the brakes as little as is safe. Allow your car and yourself to cool down and relax. Proceed to pit lane and attempt to wipe that silly grin off your face.


Vehicle Numbers: All participating vehicles must have identification numbers that conform to GCR Specifications on both sides of the vehicle. We will try to meet all numbering request that are made via the registration forms. However numbers are assigned by the registrar and will be on the outside of your track registration packet. Numbering materials (Blue or Green Painters Tape) will be available at registration.  


Technical Inspection Requirements: All drivers are required to fill out an “Ohio Valley Region SCCA PDX Technical inspection Form – 2010 (Forms may be downloaded at or prior to presenting their vehicle for inspection. Vehicles must be presented for Tech Inspection to receive an event tech sticker. 


It is the participant’s responsibility to bring a compliant vehicle to the track. Participants with non- compliant vehicles will be given a refund minus the $50.00 cancellation fee




Vehicle Damage


1.Any vehicle that is damaged must be inspected and released before going back on track.

2.Any vehicle judged to be in an unsafe operating condition at any time during the event shall be prohibited from further participation until the condition is corrected.


Mandatory Drivers and Instructors Meetings


1.A mandatory drivers and instructors meeting will be held in front of garages 7-8 on Friday September 3 at 8:00 a.m.

2. It is required that all Novice participants attend 3 classroom sessions. Intermediate and advanced students who have never been on Mid-Ohio race course need to attend the first classroom session.


Friday, immediately following the Mandatory Driver and Instructors meeting.

All Classroom sessions will be held in the Goodyear Garages.

3. An Instructors Meeting will be held at 7:30 a.m. at the Goodyear Garages on Friday September 3, 2010

If you run late and are not able to attend the drivers meeting you will be required to see the Chief Steward before you will be able to participate.

Refunds WILL NOT be issued to entrants who miss their respective meetings and refuse to see the Chief Steward.

Lost Track Time for late drivers WILL NOT be made up.


Rules of the Pit and False Grid: All persons in the Pit Lane will be SCCA Members with proper credentials. There is no working on vehicles in Pit Lane or the False Grid. All vehicles must enter the track via the B-C split to Pit Lane.. All Vehicles must exit the track via the  A-B split outside pit lane. A map will provided in you registration packet with these areas marked.  


Rules of the Paddock: Only the lower and grass paddocks will be available for this event so please plan accordingly. 

Garages will only be available to instructors who have rented a garage for Autumn Classic event on Saturday and Sunday.


Rules of the Track: For most of our drivers this may be their first time on a race course. Please be considerate to those around you. Besides the rule in the TTR other special conditions that apply to this event as follows:

1) Limit passing zones- 

A. The beginning of all Novice and Intermediate group passing zones will be marked with

a Green cone on each side of the track.  

B. The beginning and end of the Advanced and Instructor Group only passing zones will be marked with a Yellow cone on each side of the track.

C. All passing zones will end with a Red cone on each side of the track.

D. All passes must not start until your vehicle is in the passing zone and must be completed before the end of the passing zone (NO EXCEPTIONS). It is required passing vehicles obtain a

“point by” from the vehicle being passed. PASSING ONLY ALLOWED ON THE LEFT.


2) Three strike rule-This event is run with a “three strikes and you’re out rule”. A strike is defined as the following:

A.  Dropping 2 or more wheels off track/ or spinning on track. (1 strike)

B. Contact with another vehicle or with any type of safety barrier. (1 to 2 strikes)

C. Ignoring the flags or the instructions of the corner workers or other PDX officials (1 to 3 strikes depending on offence)

D. Any other actions deemed by the Chief Steward or Chief Safety Steward to be unsafe or

unsportsmanlike. (1 to 3 strikes depending on offense)

No refund will be issued for remaining track time for participants that receive reprimands under these rulings.


Waivers: Everyone entering the track must sign both the Mid-Ohio and SCCA waivers. Separate and individual minor waivers are required for both the Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course and SCCA, please contact the registrar to get these in advance for a smoother registration and check in experience. Passes must be shown to enter the track NO EXCEPTIONS. 


Pets: Mid-Ohio Track Management prohibits pets anywhere on the premises.


Insurance: Insurance will be provided in at least the minimum amount required by the SCCA for each participant.


Code of Conduct: The requirements of conduct and sportsmanship as defined in the GCR will be strictly enforced. All participants are responsible for the conduct of their guest and crew. All participants, crew, guest, and officials will adhere to all applicable local, state and federal laws and regulations and will follow all rules and regulations as posted by the Mid- Ohio Sports Car Course. Consumption of Alcoholic beverages by Participants, crew, and officials is prohibited until after the final checkered flag of the day.


Most Importantly: HAVE FUN AND PLAY SAFE



This is a “Floating schedule” please pay attention

to the announcements in the paddock so that you do

not miss your session.  We will do our best to insure

as much track time as possible. However some

sessions may be cut short due to circumstances

beyond our control. 


8:00-Friday Mandatory Drivers meeting in Front of Garages 7-8

         Followed by the Novice group classroom session in the Goodyear garages.


8:30- Track sessions begin


Each session 20 minutes


 Instructor group warm up

 Group C/ Instructors on track

 Group B Off

 Group A In classroom


Session 2

Group B on track

Group C off

Group A off


Session 3

Group A on track

Group B off

Group C off


Session 4

Group F on track PRO F2000

Group C/ Instructors Off

Group B Off

Group A In classroom


Session 5

Group C/ Instructors on track

Group B Off

Group A Off


Session 6

Group B on track

Group C off

Group A off


Session 7

Group A on track

Group B off

Group C off


 Lunch (1 hour)


Session 8

Group C/ Instructors on track

Group B Off

Group A In classroom


Session 9

Group B on track

Group C off

Group A off


Session 10

Group A on track

Group B off

Group C off


Session 11

Group F on track PRO F2000

Group C/ Instructors Off

Group B Off

Group A In classroom


Session 12

Group C/ Instructors on track

Group B Off

Group A In classroom


Session 13

Group B on track

Group C off

Group A off


Session 14

Group A on track

Group B off

Group C off


After the completion of the fourth session additional

track time will be given if available. However all

vehicles must be off the track by 4:30p.m.




Group C-Advanced

Group B- Intermediate

Group A-Novice

Group F - Pro F2000 series.




Regional Executive-Dave Brown (740) 363-4180

PDX Chairmen-

Larry Hall (614) 561-0597

Chief Registrar - Mary Ellen Hall (614) 846-1228

Chief Safety Steward - Jerry Cabe

Chief Steward - Dan Coughnour

Chief of Tech - TBD

Chief Instructor - R.Bruce Wright

Entries (44)

Bruce Wright
EB Lunken
Willy Church
Earl Myers
Benjamin Linfield
nicholas lindsey

Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course

Lexington, OH
Download track map
Download track map
Watch a video tour/lap
Watch a video tour/lap
Buy virtual track walk
Buy virtual track walk


Time Trial organized by

SCCA - Ohio Valley Region - Club Racing

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Event over!