NOLA Sprint Karting Series - Race #3, April 13th
Kart Track - NOLA Motorsports ParkAbout this event
Welcome to the NOLA Sprint Kart Championship, The event is Race #3 of #12 in our 2019 Sprint Karting Series.
Online Registration closes at 3pm the Friday before each race.
- Day of Registration opens at 7:00am and closes at 8:30am
- Online Registration - $75
- Day of Registration - $100
Your 2019 NSKC STAFF:
2019 NSKC Race Director - Robbie Poupart -
Kart Shop manager, Event Organizer & Registrar – Sebastian Guerra-Mondragon -
NOLA Kart Operations Manager - Jessica Caulfield -
Championship Points Tracker - Sebastian Guerra- Mondragon -
TAG JR: - Rotax - 320lbs
- ROK - 320lbs ****(restricted JR Header)*****
- Iame - 320lbs ***** 2017 Exhaust Header*****
TAG SR: - Rotax - 360lbs
- ROK - 375lbs
- Iame - 360lbs
TAG Masters: -Rotax - 385lbs
-ROK - 400lbs
-Iame - 385lbs
Event requirements
- Online Registration closes at midnight the Thursday before the race.
- Day of Registration opens at 7:00am and closes at 8:30am
- Online Registration - $75
- Day of Registration - $100
- All Minors must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. Minor waivers must be completed onsite.
- Safety gear is required for this race, please reference the 2018 rule book for minimum requirements.
- Technical Inspection Forms will be handed out at registration day of the race, they need to be completed and turned in to receive your Tech Sticker.
- All Karts must have a Tech Sticker in the designated location per the rule book before track access is allowed for practice.
- Practice starts at 9:00am
- Driver's Meeting is at the conclusion of all practice sessions, must be present at the meeting to race.
4-Cycle Fuel:
The spec fuel for all 4-cycle classes will be RaceTrac Midgrade. The base sample will be taken from RaceTrac on 4003 U.S. Hwy. 90, Avondale, LA 70094.