Sat, Oct 23, 2021

NNJR Autocross Event #9 - Lot L

MetLife Stadium

About this event

The Meadowlands has the right to cancel the event at any time so please check

NJ STATE LAW now requires helmets, SA or M 2015 rated or newer only. This will be enforced.

IMPORTANT: The MetLife waiver form MUST be filled out and handed at the gate upon entry.

Event Format: Depending on turnout, we'll run a 4 heat / 2 group format (work twice, run twice) or a 3 heat format. 

Run order and pricing will be announced by e-mail once registration is closed.  Due to the extremely high costs of our lot rental and the added PPE, the fee for each event may change based on the number of drivers registered.



Online payment is required if you pre-register.  You will not be charged until after registration closes, and you have until registration closes to cancel.  If you don't cancel before the event and your account is charged, there are no refunds, but we will offer a credit good for one year..  There will be no credits if the event sells out and you fail to notify us by 8am the day of the event (via email, or by canceling in MSR).  

We will be charging late fees for not registering at least 3 days before the event.

If you haven't pre-registered, we will accept walk ups, but you will pay the late registration fee, and you MUST check in at the truck. NO CASH PAYMENTS.

You will need to have an SCCA annual waiver or use the online speedwaiver service to complete the waiver for the event.  If you have an annual waiver you will not need to sign the online waiver.  A link to the online waiver will be provided the day before the event and can be completed any time before entering the event, including when you pull up.

Please see the requirements on the next page of the registration process.


Please try to determine the correct class for your car before registering.  Please refer to the following links for car classing help:

All race tire and CAM classes run in the following index classes:

  • XR : Street Prepared, Street Modified, Prepared, and Modified
  • T : Street Prepared and Street Modified cars running on 200+ tread wear tires.  This class has a PAX adjustment since the standard factor assumes race tires.
  • CAM: CAM-C, CAM-S, and CAM-T

Event Schedule

  • 7:30 - Arrive
  • 8:00 to 9:00 - Registration
  • 8:15 - Course Open for Walking
  • 8:15 to 9:00 - Tech Inspection
  • 9:00 - Novice Course Walk
  • 9:15 - Course Closed for Walking
  • 9:20 - Mandatory Drivers' Meeting
  • 9:45 - First car off


Based on the high site rental fees at the Meadowlands, we will use tiered pricing based on the number of pre-registered drivers.  The bad news is that low turnout means a higher price, the good news is that the higher cost will mean more runs.  An email will be sent out when registration closes to confirm the price.  You will then have 2 hours to cancel before your credit card is charged if you decide that the cost of these events is too high.  Due to issues determining if we'll have the minimum number of drivers at some events last season.  In order to make sure we have enough drivers, a late registration fee of $10 will be charged to anyone registering within 3 days of the event to motivate everyone to not wait until the last minute to register.

Minimum Drivers:

  • Minimum number of pre-registered drivers: 80


  • 115+ Drivers: $80 / 6 or more runs
  • 100-115 Drivers: $85 / 6-8 runs
  • 80-100 Drivers: $90 / 8 runs


  • An additional $15 will be charged to non-members to pay for a weekend membership and insurance costs.
  • Late and walk-up registration (starts 3 days before the event) is an additional $10.

Event requirements

Registration closes by 5 pm the day before the event.

General Requirements

All competitors must posses a valid driver's license.  All competitors under 18 years of age are required to have a Minor Waiver form signed by a legal guardian.  This form must either be signed in the presence of an SCCA member at the event, or signed and notarized prior to the event.  The minor waiver form is available here.

All kart drivers (KM) must be SCCA members (no weekend memberships permitted).

SCCA Members

All competitors must be SCCA members

If you are not an SCCA Member you can still run, however, you must fill out a weekend membership form on site if you have not pre-registered (not during this time). If you pre-registered and are not an scca member, the online MSR will submit your info to SCCA and assign you a weekend number for the weekend.  This way for the event you are an SCCA member for insurance purposes.


COVID-19 Restrictions - PLEASE READ

Safety Guidelines During Events

Northern New Jersey SCCA COVID-19 Operations Plan and Policies 

Revised 6/1

Based on updated guidance from the CDC and state of New Jersey masks will no longer be required for outdoor gatherings and events including autocross.  

Per the SCCA: If you are not vaccinated, you may still attend and participate in SCCA events. However, in line with the latest CDC guidelines, it is recommended that you continue to wear a mask indoors and when near others. This is subject to any mask requirements by local regulatory authorities and/or venue management.

Cancellations and Refunds 

  • Conduct a temperature self-check prior to heading to the event site. Be honest with yourself if you have a fever of 100.4 degrees or higher. We do not want to offend anyone, but if you are not feeling well for any reason, please do not come to the event.  
  • If you are not feeling well, and your self-monitored temperature is 100.4 degrees or higher please, stay home.  If you missed the deadline to cancel your registration and you wake up feeling sick the morning of, e-mail the registration folks or one of the chairs (  the day of the event saying you’re not going to come due to illness and we will be more than happy to refund your entry fee or put towards a future event. 


  • We will be conducting online registration only for the duration of the season.  Cash payments will not be accepted the day of events. If you are a walk-up, or you forget to register the night before, fear not!  We’ll keep the online registration open until around 8:45 am the morning of the event.  


  • Drivers remain in cars while waiting to be teched. 
  • For your helmets, you’ll also have to show the tech person the appropriate Snell sticker.  We suggest you find out where it is in your own helmet.  If it isn’t directly visible on the inside of the helmet, it’s most likely under a flap of fabric.


  • We’re going to strongly, strongly suggest everyone gets themselves an annual waiver.  You can download and print out a COLOR ONLY copy here:
  • You’ll have two options, you can either get it notarized or you can fill it out and have an event official sign it. Do not fill it out at home and bring it to the event.  We need to see you sign it and it must be in color.
  • If you don’t have an annual waiver hard card, then THIS DIGITAL WAIVER must be done before arriving on site. Use your cell phone for the best experience, as you need to take a selfie and physically “sign” it.  You will need to show the completed digital waiver at the gate, so TAKE A SCREENSHOT for easy access. You can apply anytime before the start of the event.

 Loaner Helmets 

Driver’s Meetings 

  • Steel Cities Region SCCA has put together an excellent virtual drivers meeting for review.  I suggest you all give it a read: 
  • While masks aren't required outdoors, we still ask that people try to maintain social distaince during the driver's meeting.

Work / Heat Assignments 

  • Work assignments will be assigned by the worker chief, right after you get teched.   We expect you to be at your assignment during your heat.  

Timing and Truck Work 

  • No more than 3 individuals shall be permitted to work inside the truck at any time.
  • Event participants are not permitted to enter the truck for any reason, at any time, during events. 
  • Participants requiring assistance are asked to find a grid worker, safety steward or event chair to call to the truck via radio. 
  • Workers in the truck must wear a mask unless they are vaccinated.


  • There will be no physical results sheets generated or posted at any event during the 2021 season.  Everyone has access to live timing via their phones and we ask that individuals make a conscious effort to avoid congregating.  
  • There will be no end of event drivers meeting / results meetings until further notice. You can view unofficial results via live timing. Official Results will be posted online within 48hrs.

Shared Site Resources   

  • Hand wash stations will be present at the event, and surface disinfectant will be available.
  • NNJR-SCCA will provide supplies for surface wiping of shared event resources 
    • Timing computers  
    • Station Radios 
    • Flags 
    • Fire extinguishers 


Autocross is an inherently social event. Some people would argue the social aspects are the real draw of the sport. We typically encourage socializing during events, within reason. We know the ongoing COVID-19 situation is going to make it very difficult to go back to ‘normal’ in the short term. We must ask that if you are going to socialize at autocross events, you use common sense: 

  • Open areas outside of major walking
  • Maintain 6 or more feet between yourself and others whenever possible 
  • Meals shared in an open-air environment with social distance are permitted so long as groups are not positioned such that they must be bypassed directly by pedestrians. 
  • Interactions with site staff / NNJR-SCCA Operations Stewards – We expect to get a lot of shouts from afar. Don’t be afraid to get on the radio and call for us. Just don’t run up to anyone unannounced. We all must follow these rules as well, and everyone has a part to play.  

Driver of the Year / Class Championships 

  • This is all depends how many events we have in 2020



Entries (117)

Mateo Cornin
John Walker
Justin Peachey
Andrew Krystinik
Afzal Sayeed
Billy Ng
Jeff Taylor
Christopher Collucci

MetLife Stadium

East Rutherford, NJ


Autocross/Solo organized by

SCCA - Northern New Jersey Region - Solo

More events from this organizer
NNJR Autocross Event #1 - Lot L
NNJR Autocross Event #1 - Lot L
MetLife Stadium
NNJR Autocross Event #2 - Lot L
NNJR Autocross Event #2 - Lot L
MetLife Stadium
NNJR Autocross Event #3 - Lot L
NNJR Autocross Event #3 - Lot L
MetLife Stadium
NNJR Autocross Event #4 - Lot L
NNJR Autocross Event #4 - Lot L
MetLife Stadium

Event over!