Sun, Apr 7, 2024

NHSCC - Introduction to Autocross

North Park Swimming Pool Lot

About this event

The North Hills Sports Car Club is kicking off our 2024 season with Our Intro to autocross event on April 7th at the North Park swimming pool parking lot. This non-competitive event is designed for anyone interested in learning more about the sport of autocross and giving it a try in a stress-free environment. We will teach you everything you need to know - from car prep to driving skills - so you can have fun and enjoy your car in a safe, controlled environment.

In the morning, we’ll cover the basics of participating in autocross with the NHSCC, including registration, work assignments, and a typical event day schedule. We will also cover the basics of autocross driving and how to improve your driving skills and make the most of your car’s capabilities.

Then we move to car prep and tech inspection, then we will move to the course for a walk-through to teach the basics of choosing the right line and working the course during an event. Instructors will take students on a ride of the course at speed to show you what to expect out there. Then it’s time to drive! You’ll be paired with an experienced club member to take your car through a typical autocross course, learning how to navigate several types of elements commonly found in an autocross.  You will have multiple runs to practice and set a personal best time. You’ll come away from the day ready to participate in autocross events with confidence.

Introduction to Autocross is open to anyone, all you need is a street-legal vehicle and a Snell 2015 or newer helmet. You don’t even need a sports car, your daily driver is most likely allowed. See the Club's website at for complete vehicle eligibility details and driver requirements.   

Registration Fees

Members:          $40.00

Non-Members:    $45.00

(Online registration adds a convenience fee) 



7:30 – 8:30         On site registration and Course Setup  (participants are invited to assist)
8:30 – 9:15         Classroom Session -  McCandless Pavillion
9:15 – 10:30       Tech Inspection and Course Walk - Pool Lot
10:45 – 11:00       Driver’s Meeting - Trailer
11:00 – 11:30       Instructor Drives - Pool Lot
11:30 - 11:45        Lunch
11:45 – 3:45        On-Course Instruction - Students will run in groups and rotate through run, work, rest assignments. 


Event requirements

Allegheny County requires that all cars running at North Park be licensed, bearing current registration stickers, and be street legal for the jurisdiction that the vehicle is registered in. (PA cars require current inspection stickers.) DOT registered tires are also required. (No slicks)

All North Hills Sport Car Club autocross participants are required to wear a SNELL rated helmet while on course. We accept the current as well as the previous 3 generations of Snell ratings. (2015, 2010, 2005). DOT helmets are not permitted.

Drivers must sign all waiver forms and be aware that they are liable for any damage that he/she negligently causes to the person(s) or property of other entrants, course workers, spectators, or to their own vehicle. Anyone refusing to pay for such damage will be barred from further competition.

Minor drivers (defined as anyone under the age of eighteen (18) years) must be the son, daughter, or be in the legal custody of a current active or life member of The North Hills Sports Car Club who is of legal age.  The parents or legal guardians of said minor must sign the Minor Waiver Forms in the presence of a Club officer, agreeing to assume the liability detailed in paragraph above. 

We require visible car and class numbers at all of our events. Each competitor shall have numbers and class markings at least 8" tall on their vehicle. The numbers and car color should contrast. If you are a novice and do not know what class or number you are running, we will ask you to use a neon paint stick to write numbers on your window or use paper and large marker and tape to inside of side windows.

If you are a novice and do not know what class or number you should be in, pick a class here that you think your car is eligible to compete in and when you arrive to the event Sunday morning, notify Registration (found at the Club's trailer) that you need help determining your class, we are always willing to help. If you choose a class that is not correct, the North Hills Sports Car Club reserves the right to re-class your vehicle based on the SCCA Classification Rules.

Every vehicle entering an event must be presented for a Technical Inspection prior to the event. Tech Inspectors have the right to reclassify any vehicle due to obvious illegal modifications. The entrant must report such reclassification to Registration immediately. 

Entries (29)

Andrew McHugh
Chris Kapelczak
Brandon Owen
Michael Halas
Derek McMillen
Justin Lee
Layton Downs
Janet Labuda

North Park Swimming Pool Lot

Allison Park, PA


Autocross/Solo organized by

North Hills Sports Car Club

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North Park Swimming Pool Lot
NHSCC - Introduction to Autocross
NHSCC - Introduction to Autocross
North Park Swimming Pool Lot

Event over!