About this event
What is Autocross?
Autocross events (also known as gymkhanas or solo) are an all forward motion driving skill contest. Each driver is individually timed to the thousandth of a second, over a short, miniature road course clearly defined using traffic cones. Cars compete one at a time, hence the name "solo", in a class with similar cars. An event can be held on any flat paved surface, usually a parking lot, or airport apron or runway. We strive to steer away from setting up an exercise in ‘navigation’ but one where fun is an important part of the overall experience. “(Autocross) is a precision sport, much like, say, archery or golf. You must be precise and consistent, all the while driving ... fast" -- Mark Sirota
What Should You Bring?
Here is a BASIC list.
* Tank full of gas or battery full of angry pixies
* Dress for the weather - Metlife can often be breezy site, unless its HOT at which point, there is NO breeze! While pants and long sleeves may not allow you to cool off as fast, they also keep your skin from FRYING!
* Sunglasses
* HAT - wide brim is best, may look silly but keeps your head cool. Cool heads are FASTER!
* Sunscreen and chapstick. Wind burn is REAL!
* WATER or your favorite non-alcoholic beverage (Gatorade, Powerade, coffee?). We typically keep some available just in case, sometimes NOT cold! On a HOT day, plan on minimum 8oz per HOUR of exposure. If you are not peeing, you are not properly hydrating. Hydration starts the day BEFORE. Got dehydrated? Milk works the fastest - it has about perfect combo of fats and sugars to get your head to stop pounding quickly.
* Food - we've heard stories of deliveries being made to the site, although entertaining, it may interfere with your ability to DRIVE or CHASE cones! Bring a sandwich, slice up some fruits, raid the kids section of local supermarket and grab pack of applesauce in squeeze pouches. Cool and convenient. Granola bars and their gummier cousins (cliff bar) make for quick snack on the go as well.
* Tire Pressure Gauge and portable air compressor to reinflate to commuting pressure at the end of the day. Some of these you can sometimes borrow from fellow racers. Be sure to return them!
* Water in your water spray bottle - keep your tires cool specially if you battle in the 200TW tire department
* Tarp or old blanket to keep your stuff from flying away. May need few beans bags to keep it from taking flight.
* Chair - it's NICE to relax a bit before events kicks off and at end to recollect your thoughts.
* Glass cleaner and paper towels to clean off the grime you forgot to wash off the night before so you can optimally dodge cones.
* Baby wipes come in handy to keep your hands clean
* Charge your camera gear
* Clean towel to dry your face / wipe sweat between runs. Tire spray water can do double duty, keep you and tires from overheating.
An old milk crate or bin w lid is perfect solution to help organize your autocross goodies. Easy to load, easy to unload.
Metlife Stadium ** Waiver ** is now completed via QR Code:
ALL PARTICIPANTS are now required to REGISTER and Pay ONLINE. Walk-Ons are also required to sign up for NASA account to register and complete waiver. Membership is optional, but encouraged to avoid additional platform fees.
MSNE Staff
Am I in the RIGHT CLASS ? Click here to find out and then come back and complete you registration:
For more details, visit https://members.drivenasa.com/events/5071