Mon, Apr 10, 2017

Jeffapalooza - April 10

NJMP - Thunderbolt

About this event

Jeffapalooza is a private, invitation only, open track event for licensed club racers, instructors, and A level solo drivers.


$295 open track early registration (until March 27 ... then regular price of $350)


Event garage parking, paddock electricity AND camping are included in your registration fee for no additional cost. Lunch is provided on event day.


Professional coaching available. Please inquire via email for coach availability and pricing.



Event requirements

Should you wish to attend, please follow the steps below...


If you have not yet added 'Jeffapalooza' to your list of associated clubs, please edit your club list now to include it:

  1. Click the link below to go to your 'My Account' tab (you may be asked to log in)
  2. Click the 'Edit my Information' button next to your user profile listing
  3. Click the 'Club Memberships' navigation link, or simply scroll down to your club list
  4. Click 'Edit Clubs'
  5. Click 'Add Clubs to Account' in the upper right
  6. Find Jeffapalooza on the club list (if NJ isn't within 300 miles of you, you may have to scroll further down to the 'All Clubs' list)
  7. Click 'Add'
  8. Leave membership number blank if you don't have one
  9. Click 'Save Clubs'

Click this link to go to your My Account page (or, if you are already logged in, simply click the 'My Account' tab above)

After completing the steps above, your prior Jeffapalooza event history will be confirmed and your profile will be flagged as 'Approved' by the event registrar. Once your account has been flagged approved, you can return here to register. 

If you have not attended a Jeffapalooza event in the past, please email your driving resume including any current comp licenses you hold, and/or references and referrals (along with the steps above)


NJMP - Thunderbolt

Millville, NJ
Download track map
Download track map


Open Track organized by


Event over!