Fri, May 24 - Sun, May 26, 2019

Fun in the Sun presented by Houston Region SCCA

MSR Houston

About this event

Join the Houston Region SCCA for some Fun in the Sun at MSR Houston. MSR Houston will be hosting a Test & Tune on Friday.  Then on to Saturday we will be starting with a practice,  then qualifying, then a 20 minute race on Saturday, followed by a  BBQ dinner, adults beverages and a time to unwind and trade stories and maybe a bit of smack talk.  On Sunday we will start with a 20 minute race in the morning, and a 30 minute race on Sunday afternoon. This event will be run in the clockwise direction.

The Club Races will count toward the 2019 SWRRC Points Championship and will count toward participation for the 2019 Divisional Runoffs Qualification path, plus Southern Conference Majors points.  Only 2 races are Majors races, the third (Sunday afternoon) is a regional race that counts towards SWRRC points.

If you have questions regarding the Road Races, please contact Jan Rowe at 281-782-7512

Entry & Supps:

Test and Tune Registration: MSR Houston Test & Tune

Reserved Paddock Spaces: MSR Houston Paddock Spaces

Event Costs:

  • Saturday Only - $250 or Sunday Only - $300
  • Saturday & Sunday- $495
  • Second Entry per race day- $275 (A second entry is defined as another entry on the same day for the same driver, but different class. For example, HP & FF)

Race Groups

  1. SM, SM5
  2. FA, FB, FC, FE, FM, FS, P1, P2
  3. SRF, SRF3         
  4. AS, T1, T2, GT-X, GT1, GT2, GT3, GTA, ITE, ITR, ITS, SP
  5. EP, FP, HP, T3, T4, GTL, STL, B-Spec, ITA, ITB, ITC, SRX7, SPB, STU
  6. FF, FV, F5, FST

NOTE ON ELIGIBLE CLASSES: The SOWDIV now recognizes all regional classes from every division. If your class is not listed above, or if you have any question to where your car fits, please register in the “Other” class online. You will be contacted and placed in the proper race group at a later date.


Event requirements

Friday, May 24, 2019

To register for the Test & Tune, call 281-369-0677 or visit

7 am - 8 pm                    MSR Houston open

8:30 am                           Registration opens for Test & Tune in MSR Houston Main Office

Track Schedule: Run Groups and Schedule will be determined by MSR Houston based off entries.

5:00 pm - 7 pm               Registration open for weekend entrants in Houston Region building.

                                        Express Registration will be utilized, so bring your logbook!

5:00 pm - 7 pm               Tech open in the garage next to registration

The times listed in the following schedule are approximate.  Every effort will be made to adhere to the schedule, but the organizers and officials CANNOT and DO NOT guarantee that delays in the schedule will not occur due to on-track incidents, weather, safety concerns, and other circumstances whether foreseen or not. 

Saturday, May 25, 2019

6:30 am                       MSR Houston opens

7:00 am - Noon           Registration in Houston Region building:

                                    Express Registration will be utilized, so bring your logbook!

7:15 am                       F & C Meeting at control building

7:50 am                       F & C out to corners

7:30 am - Lunch          Tech opens in the garage next to registration.

                                    Scales open at 10:30 am, pending qualifying impound.

1:05 pm                       F & C out to corners


8:00 am                       Groups 1-6 Seamless Practice – 15 minutes …

                                    Groups 1-6 Seamless Qualifying – 15 minutes

12:15 pm                    Lunch Break

1:15 pm                      Groups 1-6 Race – 20 minutes or 17 laps   --  Majors & SWRRC race

                                   (Trophies can be picked up at Tech)

4:45 pm                      Houston Region Happy Hour in the Clubhouse

   Everyone is invited to join us for a BBQ dinner and adult beverages

8:30 pm                     Facility Closes


Sunday, May 26, 2019

6:30 am                       MSR Houston opens

7:00 am - Noon           Registration in Houston Region building

7:15 am                       F & C Meeting at control building

7:30 am - Lunch          Tech opens in the garage next to registration.

                                    Scales open at 10:30 am, pending qualifying impound.

8:00 am                       Closed Wheel Warm Up  followed by Open Wheel Warm Up – 10 minutes  (** SRF/SRF3 will run with Open Wheel **)

8:30 am                       Groups 1-6 Race – 30 minutes or 19 laps  -- Majors & SWRRC race

                                    (Trophies can be picked up at Tech)

12:15 pm                     Lunch Break

1:15  pm                       Groups 1-6 Race – 20 minutes or 17 laps -- SWRRC Race

                                    (Trophies can be picked up at Tech)

6:30 pm                       Facility Closes

The times listed in the schedule are approximate.  Please be sure to listen for announcements for your group to grid!!

Race Groups

  1. SM, SM5
  2. FA, FB, FC, FE, FM, FS, P1, P2
  3. SRF, SRF3         
  4. AS, T1, T2, GT-X, GT1, GT2, GT3, GTA, ITE, ITR, ITS, SP, STU
  5. EP, FP, HP, T3, T4, GTL, STL, B-Spec, ITA, ITB, ITC, SRX7, SPB, LG
  6. FF, FF-T, FV, F5, F6, FST

NOTE ON ELIGIBLE CLASSES: The SOWDIV now recognizes all regional classes from every division. If your class is not listed above, or if you have any question to where your car fits, please register in the “Other” class online. You will be contacted and placed in the proper race group at a later date.

NOTE ON RACES: The Sunday afternoon race is for division points only and does not qualify for Conference Majors points or Conference Contingency awards. 


Entries (150)

Edgar Martinez
Brad Mason
Paula Taylor
Chris Haldeman
Steven Johnson, JR
michael ross
Bret A Snyder
Kent Carter

MSR Houston

Angleton, TX
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Club Race organized by

SCCA - Houston Region

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Event over!