Mon, May 30, 2022

Fun in the Sun 6 Hour Enduro

MSR Houston

About this event

Join the Houston Region SCCA for our Fun in the Sun 6 Hour Enduro at MSR Houston. MSR Houston will be hosting a Test & Tune on Friday.  Our normal Majors Race weekend is on Saturday and Sunday. The CRE 6 Hour Enduro will be run on Memorial Day in the counter-clockwise direction.

The CRE 6 Hour Enduro will be held for anyone with a car that does a lap time no faster than 1.45.  For Road Racers that is classing of T3 or less power.  All Lemons', WRL & Champ cars welcome!  

This race is limited to Closed Wheel cars.

If you have questions regarding the Enduro, please contact Richard Tomlin -

Enduro  Supps: 22-05-30 Enduro_Supps Final.docx

Sanction #:  22-E-56889

Test and Tune Registration:  click here for MSR Houston Test and Tune Registration

Reserved Paddock Spaces:  Click here to reserve a paddock space at MSR Houston

Event Costs:

  • Enduro only - $600 (four drivers.. add $100 for each additional driver over 4)

Race Classes:

  • Improved Touring R
  • E Production
  • Grand Touring 3
  • Touring 3
  • Other Car/Driver that does a lap time no faster than 1:45.  This includes Lemon's, WRL & Champ cars -- Closed wheel only

Person paying for Enduro is designated Team Captain.  For all Team Members (not paying through msreg), please register and select Team Member.

Entrants that have not supplied their transponder numbers by Friday, May 27,  will be excluded by the Event Chief Steward.

Vehicles that demonstrate performance higher than those levels may be excluded by the Event Chief Steward.

Event requirements

Friday, May 27, 2022

  1.  MSR Houston is holding a Test & Tune. To register for the Test & Tune, call 281-369-0677 or visit


7 am - 8 pm                       MSR Houston open

8:30 am                              Registration opens Test & Tune in MSR Houston Main Office

Track Schedule:   Run Groups and Schedule will be determined by MSR Houston based off entries.        

5:00 pm - 7 pm                 Registration open for weekend entrants in Houston Region building.

                                        Attn:  Road Racers -   Express Registration will be utilized, so bring your logbook!

5:00 pm - 7 pm                Tech open in the garage next to registration


The times listed in the following schedule are approximate.  Every effort will be made to adhere to the schedule, but the organizers and officials CANNOT and DO NOT guarantee that delays in the schedule will not occur due to on-track incidents, weather, safety concerns, and other circumstances whether foreseen or not. 

Monday, May 30, 2022

6:30 am                     MSR Houston opens

7:00 am - Noon        Registration in Houston Region building

7:30 am - Lunch       Tech by appointment.  Scales will be open at 10:30 am by appointment only.

8:15 am                     F&C Meeting at control building

8:50 am                     F&C on station ready to check in

9:00 am            6 Hour Enduro

Lunch for marshals to be picked up in the morning and taken with them to station

3:00 pm                    Track Cold

6:30 pm                     Facility Closes

The times listed in the schedule are approximate.  Please be sure to listen for announcements for your group to grid!!

Entries (29)

James Picone
Edgar Martinez
Christopher Carper
Fernando Labaronne
Zachary McAnally
Team Cipri Motorsport
Andy Cantu
Craig Charron

MSR Houston

Angleton, TX
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Club Race organized by

SCCA - Houston Region

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Event over!