About this event
The SARRC/MARRS Challenge
May 3-4, 2025
VIRginia International Raceway
Entry fee for SARRC or MARRS race $TBD
65 minute Tarheel Cup Enduro (Long) $TBD
45 minute Tarheel Cup Enduro (Short) $TBD
Multi-race discounts:
2 Races = $25 discount
3 Races = $175 discount
4 Races = $350 discount
5 or more races = $50 for each additional race
Supplemental Regulations and Schedule
Track Advantage will hold a test day on May 2nd.
Event requirements
You will need to enter a credit card number to complete your registration. However, your card will not be charged until your registration is verified by the Registrar. If you wish to pay by cash, check, or credit card at the track or mail a check, there is a question at the end of the registration form that you must answer "yes" to.
To pay by check, prior to the event, make your check payable to NCR-SCCA
and mail, to arrive by May 1st to:
NCR-SCCA, 1081 Ace Drive, Ste. 6, Alton, VA 24520.
ELIGIBILITY: This event is held under the current SCCA General Competition Rules and Fastrack amendments thereto, SARRC, MARRS, and TCES rules and these Supplemental Regulations SEDiv tire rules will apply.
- Links to rules for all groups may be found at http://ncrscca.com/road-racing-rules/.
- In addition SEDiv only class rules may be found at http://sedivracing.com. Go to Ops and Procedures in Road Racing and select SEDiv Regional Rules folder.
- Spec MX-5 rules may be found at https://specmx-5.com/.
At Registration, ALL drivers must present a current SCCA membership card and a current SCCA competition license or novice permit with school requirements completed. Licenses listed in GCR Section 3.1.2 and App.C.2.8.B will also be accepted.