About this event
Chicagoland Sports Car Club now offers membership renewal and new memberships on MotorsportReg with just a couple of clicks! (A few more if you don't yet have an MSR account.) Much easier than mailing-in, writing a check or sending a PayPal, it may be the easiest thing you do today. 2023 Membership is valid through December 31, 2023.
A Full Annual Membership is just $50, and includes competition privileges in CSCC and in Midwestern Council. CSCC is also offering a Spouse Membership for $5, a spouse member will only have the privileges of CSCC membership including voting but will not have the further privileges of Midwestern Council membership.
Chicagoland Sports Car Club (CSCC) is a proud member of Midwestern Council of Sports Car Clubs (MCSCC or MC), a group of seven enthusiast clubs in the upper Midwest which sponsors drivers schools, club racing, high-speed and parking-lot autocrosses, track days and social events. Search "MC" on MotorsportReg for a full listing.