Sat, Sep 3 - Sun, Sep 4, 2022

CKT 2022 Round 8 at Action Karting

Action Karting

About this event

Join CKT for Round 8, the last race of the 2022 Karting Season!   

Action Karting will host the event, with a practice day on Saturday and race day Sunday.  See the updated race day schedule on the Colorado Karting Tour website soon!

Gates will be open on Friday for parking.  PLEASE ONLY PARK IN YOUR PIT SPACE!!


Volunteers receive first choice for pit spots!!!

We are still looking for a grid marshall.  If you'd like to help out on race day, we would love to have you. We credit race fees for our grid marshal back to you on  MSR for helping us out for the day.  Please reach out if you're interested or if you have a friend / family member that would be. 

This year CKT is excited to offer a private practice day on Saturday, September 3.  THERE WILL BE NO RENTERS!! This will make for a very fun and useful test and tune day!  Multiple sessions AND the chance to practice with your competitors!  The cost is $75, and you can select this prior to registering your class.

CKT will be posting help videos on the website soon for common issues on Motorsportreg, but if you do run into problems, please use the help function on the site.  They are quick and responsive, and can usually solve your issues perfectly!

See you on the track!

Event requirements

If you have already chosen a kart number in our earlier event, it will pre-populate for you when you register!  If not, you can select a number for this event and the rest of the season from the available numbers when you choose your race class(es).  This number will stay with you in MSR for future races and events in 2022 with CKT.



CKT rules for 2022 allow for 1 pit spot per racer only!  This means that you must fit your trailer into one spot, and work on your kart in the same area.  As our club grows, it is important that we increase pit density to allow for everyone to attend the races and work on their karts!  If you are able to pit with another driver in one shared space, leaving your vehicles in spectator parking, PLEASE do!  Also, no pit spaces will be allowed for racers that are pitting with a registered team.  These teams have reserved spaces adequate to house all of their drivers, so please use spectator and overflow parking if you are on a team, and do not reserve a pit space for parking.

FOR ROUND  7:  CKT will be using a reservations system on MSR which will allow you to choose the exact space you want to pit in!  There will be a drop down menu similar to that of the kart numbers, and you will be able to see what spaces are available at the time you register.  THE DROP DOWN MENU IS TITLED VEHICLE #, BUT IT REFERS TO THE PIT SPOT NUMBER!

RESERVATIONS:  You may reserve up to 5 spaces, HOWEVER, the One Space Per Racer rule still applies, and you must note whom the spaces are for in the pit spot detail.  If this is not done, the spaces may be moved back into inventory for other racers.  THIS IS CLOSELY MONITORED BY CKT SO PLEASE KNOW THAT THE RULES WILL BE ENFORCED DURING REGISTRATION!!!

If you are buying spaces for another driver, please put it in the pit detail on registration and note the other driver.  

CURRENT REGISTERED TEAMS:  FDM, Point Karting and Christian Bird Racing

CKT supports vendor tent teams that provide retail services to our karting community (such as selling parts, supplies, and race day support services like coaching and kart tuning) in many ways during our season, including reserving pit spaces prior to the race weekend . 

If you would like to apply to be a recognized vendor with CKT, please email

Action Karting

Morrison, CO


Karting organized by

Colorado Karting Tour

Event over!