About this event















Porsche Santa Barbara and SGS Independent Porsche Care presents the

California Central Coast Region - Porsche Club of America

Autocross (Teststrecke 35)

For you Porsche owners, this is a Zone 8 Event, meaning those folks will be competing for Zone 8 points.

Clint Smith



The California Central Coast Region of The Porsche Club of America (CCCR-PCA) is holding our second autocross of 2019 on Saturday, June 1, 2019 at the Santa Maria Airport. This is our 35th event since we started several years ago. 

Registration will open on April 27th and closes on May 25th, 2019.

This event will be limited to 60 participants.


If the event is full, you will be put on a waitlist and you will not be charged until you accept an opening. If an opening occurs, all people on the waitlist will be notified that there is an opening. From that point on, it will be first-come, first-served for filling the vacancy, so if you want in, make sure you monitor your emails.

What is Autocross? 

An autocross is an all forward gear competitive driving event in which one vehicle at a time is timed for one or more laps on a clearly defined closed course on a hard surface with a defined start and finish line. An autocross is run in lower gears (typically 2nd) with an emphasis on handling and agility rather than speed and power. An autocross is not wheel-to-wheel racing, a time trial or a gymkhana. More than one vehicle can be on the course at the same time as long as vehicles do not run in proximity to each other and workers are not put at risk. There can be official timing of each lap with appropriate penalties for course deviations and awards can be given for finishing positions in class and/or overall.

Again, the autocross will be limited to 60 participants to allow for a maximum number of runs. 

If you don't have a helmet, you can rent one of ours for $5. It is a Shared-Use Helmet. This means that if you rent one, you must return it after your run so another person can use it.

Big Joe's niece, Shamber, is going to take over his catering business, so we will have food. Water is free, so stay hydrated.

The minimum age to participate in an autocross is 18 years, except for JPP entrants. (See below)

If you have someone that you wish to accompany you, they must sign the waiver at the gate and sign up on MSR under Volunteer Worker so that we know who is on the airport for security reasons. If they do not wish to accept a worker assignment, they must say so when they sign up and they still must attend the Mandatory Driver's meeting. They need to wear a provided wrist band. If anyone shows up without registering, they may not be allowed to enter. We just don't have the time to stop setting up to deal with this.

Junior Participant Program (JPP)

The Junior Partcipant Program allows the fully licensed sons, daughters, nephews, nieces, step-children or grandchildren of PCA members to participate in autocrosses. The parent or legal guardian of the JPP entrant does not have to be a PCA member if the uncle, aunt, grandparent or step-parent is a PCA member, and this member is in attendance at the event, along with the JPP entrant.

BOTH parents or legal guardian(s) must be present at the event to sign the “Waiver and Release of Liability and Indemnity Agreement for Minors in Restricted Areas, Driving or Riding”. If both parents will not be present at the event, a notarized waiver of the parent not in attendance must be provided. The JPP entrant must sign the “Minor’s Assumption of Risk Acknowledgment” form. Contact Warren White with any questions.

Minors 16 years of age and younger

Minors 16 years of age and younger may attend an autocross event as observers only, if the following conditions are met:

  1. Both parents should sign the "Waiver and Release of Liability and Indemnity Agreement for Minors as Observers Only"; however, one parent /guardian is acceptable. Friends/other relatives are not acceptable.
  2. Minors cannot be admitted to any "hot" or "restricted areas". This means the only area they are allowed in is the area of vehicle parking. Not grid, not near the track and no other place on the airport property, and they must wear an appropriate wrist band at all times.
  3. The minor must be under the supervision of a parent or guardian at all times. If a minor is found to be not under direct supervision, you will be asked to leave. NO EXCUSES - NO EXCEPTIONS - PERIOD

Contact Warren White with any questions.

Airport Entry

  • Our agreement with the airport does not allow us to enter the track or leave the track from the Jet Center. The only entry/exit is the gate on S. Blosser. If you are late, you can try calling someone with a TSA badge, but we will be busy and may not hear your call right away.
  • If you ignore this, you may be asked to leave the airport or may not be allowed to return to this event or future events. Translation: If you use the Jet Center to enter, you will be escorted out the Blosser gate. I hope I am making this clear.

Map to airport

Tech Sheet

Course Map

Event requirements

Event Requirements:

The gate will open at approximately 6:30 a.m. and will be closed promptly at 8:00 a.m. DO NOT ENTER UNTIL YOU HAVE SIGNED THE WAIVER AT THE GATE AND RECEIVED YOUR REGISTRATION PACKET and then find a parking spot and prepare your car for tech inspection.

We strongly urge you to arrive no later than 7:15 a.m. to be sure you get checked in and your car inspected. Do not walk the course until you have had your car inspected and received a green dot.  Tech will close at 8:00 a.m sharp to allow Tech Inspectors to walk the course themselves. There will be no exceptions as the Tech Inspectors will be walking the course.

There is no dedicated time for lunch, so eat your lunch during your rest period. The rotation of the 3 groups is RUN - REST - WORK. (This is a change)

If we don't get 60 participants, we may only have two run groups in order to have enough workers to safely manage work stations.

Make sure you have everything you need, including enough fuel, as the gate will be closed until the conclusion of the event.

After entering the main gate and signing the waiver and receive your registration packet, do the following:

  1. Find a parking spot and unload everything out of your vehicle except your helmet. Expose the SA date of your helmet.
  2. Place your colored sticker on your windshield and your colored wristband on your left wrist. (There are instructions on your packet)
  3. Pre-tech your car, if you have not done it already, and sign the tech sheet that is in your packet.
  4. Place your assigned number on your car. Your assigned number is the number on your packet, so be sure you sign-up with the number you want or the number we assign to you. No other number will be allowed. Be sure your number is a contrasting color from you car, and is at least 6 inches tall, with a 1" stroke, so the timing folks and course workers can identify your car. If we cannot read your number, you will not get a time. If your car is a two driver car, be sure to change numbers each time you switch drivers. Blue tape on a blue or gray car cannot be seen from a distance. If timing cannot see your number, it will put everything out of order and there will be delays to get the sequence right again.
  5. Proceed to grid for inspection.
  6. After your car has been inspected, park it and walk the course prior to the driver's meeting at 8:30 a.m. sharp. This meeting will be on time and is mandatory for all drivers and workers, with no exceptions. If you are late for the driver's meeting, you may be asked to leave.
  7. There are no sound requirements, but generally we asked that your car is not over 92db.
  8. Infraction of the rules, unsportsmanlike conduct or gross negligence by an entrant and/or any crew or guests may be cause for expulsion from the event.
  9. If two people are in your car, at least one must be an approved event instructor, and the other must be a registered entrant in the event, for the sole purpose of instruction.
  10. In order to try to speed up worker change, we are going to try the following rotation:



Car Classes - Porsches

  • If you plan to compete in the Porsche points classes, you will need to classify your car on the Zone 8 classification system, found HERE.
  • Car classification serves two purposes:
    • The first is fairness in competition through grouping together cars with similar performance characteristics.
    • Second is to determine the safety equipment required by the vehicle. Classifying a car is a multi-step process. First the entrant must determine which classes from the list in the Zone 8 Rules they are qualified to run in. If running in classes CC01 - CC18, the entrant then must check for Tire Size & Performance Equipment Points and add that point total to their Base Points to calculate the correct class.
  • Each entrant is responsible for correctly classifying his/her own car. All cars are subject to further scrutiny and reclassification at the discretion of the AX Chair at any time during an event.  If a car is found to be misclassified, after timed runs begin, the event may be scored as if the car did not compete.
  • Entrants may optionally compete in a higher points class. For example, a car in CC09 may run in CC10; but a car in CC10 may not run in CC09. Anyone electing to run in a higher class must have competition in that class in order to receive awards points for the event. If an entrant elects to run in a higher class, he/she must remain in that class for the year to accumulate championship points. If he/she elects to go back to the lower class, the points accumulation starts over in the lower class.

  • Drivers and vehicles are required to have all necessary safety equipment as required for their level of performance equipment.
  • If you normally compete in a Street Stock class in other Regions, you will need to classify your car in one of the Point Classes for this event. Your times will be sent to the Zone 8 AX Chairman for entry into the Zone 8 Final Results page for your Street Stock class.


Novice Class

If you are new to autocross with no performance driving experience, you will be put in the Novice Class. There you will be required to run with an instructor until such time he/she signs you off to run in your appropriate points class.

Fun or X (Exhibition) Class

If you don’t wish to compete in a points class, you can run in the FUN class. Once a car is entered in the FUN class, that car cannot be driven by another driver to compete in a points class.

If your car is being driven by another driver, you still need to display the appropriate number of the driver to keep the timing in sequence. Failure to change your number causes problems for timers and will delay the event. If you forget to change numbers and we have to try to figure out who is driving, it will delay the event and the rest of the field will pound you.

SUV (New)

This is an open class for street-legal Cayennes and Macans based on North American factory models. Performance modifications are allowed, however all tires must be covered by the fenders. Any modification that compromises safety may be disallowed at the discretion of the Safety/Tech Chair. Safety equipment shall be that required for the Street Stock classes. The vehicle must be registered for street use.

Car Classes - Non Porsche

  • Unstable vehicles with a high center of gravity and a narrow track, including some SUVs, minivans, and 4WD pickups, must be excluded from participating in our event.
  • The PCA does not maintain a list of eligible non-Porsche vehicles, however, the Sports Car Club of America does and this Region recognizes that list.
  • If your vehicle is not on the SCCA list of eligible vehicles, then due to rollover possibilities, you may not be able to participate with that vehicle. Click HERE for the list. If your vehicle is not on the list, contact the Event Chair. (Warren White at axcccr@gmail.com.)
  • Non-Porsche members will need to provide their tires UTQG treadwear rating, which can be found on the sidewall of your tires, at the time they sign up on MSR. If you do not report your TW rating, as requested, you will be put in Open A.
    • Open A: Those vehicles that utilize 180 Treadwear or less tires.
    • Open B: Those vehicles that utilize greater than 181 - 299 Treadwear tires.
    • Open C: Those vehicles that utilize 300 plus Treadwear tires.


For All Drivers

  • Clothing (Helmet, Shoes, etc.): All vehicle occupants while on course must wear an approved helmet. Helmets built to Snell Foundation standards or other standards such as FIA 8860, SFI 31.1 and BS6658-85 Type A-FR are approved for use. Approved helmets must be manufactured to the current rating or the two most recent SA (Special Application), M or K Snell ratings. For example, if the current Snell SA standard is SA2015, helmets meeting SA2015, SA2010. Also, any helmet approved for PCA Club Racing is permitted. Footwear must be non-slip and NOT be open-toe or have heavy-duty soles such as those found on hiking shoes or work boots.  We recommend a long sleeve cotton shirt, long cotton pants, thin rubber or leather soled shoes without lugs on the sole, cotton socks.  
  • Some shared rental helmets will be available for $5/day.  (What this means is after the conclusion of your run group, you must return the helmet to the rental table for someone else to use for their run group.  For your next run group you may re-select the helmet.)  We urge all regular competitors to obtain their own helmet.
  • Check brakes, tire pressure, oil, etc. before arriving at facility. You are encouraged to run through our tech checklist before you arrive at the track to speed up the tech process.
  • All entrants are assigned to work in groups when they are not running.  Depending on run sequence, this will include working after your run group has completed for the day. Failure to complete your work assignment could result in omission from the results and possible forfeiture of future events. You must inform the Station Chief or Event Chair if you are unable to complete your work assignment.
  • If you are sharing a car with another driver, please let us know when you sign up. That does not sign them up, it merely lets us know. They still have to sign up.


  • We have established a points system to be used in lieu of trophies for each event whereby a participant will earn points in each class for the Championship trophy at the end of the year. However, a class winner decal will be awarded for each event where a participant won, as long as there was competition in their class.
  • The 1st place driver in each class will earn 100 points. All others in the same class will earn a percentage of the 100 points depending on how close they are to the winning time. What this means is that everyone who participates, even the last place driver, will get points. Points Method: Percentage (time #1/time*100.000)
  • Drivers must participate in at least 3 events that has competition in their class for the year to be eligible for trophies. You may drop two events for championship points. This will be automatically calculated for you.
  • If you are a single entry in your class, you will receive 90 show-up points. Those points, however, will not be used to calculate your total point unless you have had competition in at least 3 other events in your class for the year.
  • Check brakes, add tire pressure, check oil, etc. before arriving at facility.  No air will be available.  It would be a good idea if you would run through our tech checklist before you arrive the track to speed up the tech process.
  • All entrants are assigned to work in groups when they are not running.  Depending on run sequence, this will include working after your run group has completed for the day. Failure to complete your work assignment could result in omission from the results and possible forfeiture of future events.
  • A Food caterer and Port-a-Potty’s will be on site.

If you have any questions about the autocross, please contact the Autocross Chair, Warren White at axcccr@gmail.com

Entries (69)

Stephen Kitts
Jon Milledge
Nico Riney
Matt Bertsch
Toshio Hiratsuka
Ilver Dominguez
D.J. Stornetta
Taylor Francis

Santa Maria, CA Airport

Santa Maria, CA


Autocross/Solo organized by

PCA - California Central Coast Region

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Event over!