Fri, Apr 30, 2021

Cascade (CSCC) HPDE Track Day April 30, 2021

Portland Int'l Raceway

About this event


Cascade Sports Car Club HPDE Track Day at Portland International Raceway

High Performance Driving Education and Racecar Testing





COVID Impacts: It is expected that due to the ongoing COVID-19 restrictions, we will not have in-car instructors available but will be utilizing a lead-follow format for on-track instruction. This means that the HPDE Novice group will have fewer spots available as we need to accommodate instructor's cars on crouse. For HPDE Intermedaiate, only those with sufficient experience in will be allowed to go solo without any on-track instruction. These changes only affect the HPDE Novice and HPDE Intermediate run groups at this time. There are no changes to the HPDE Advanced, Test-and-Tune or Open Wheel run groups for this event.  

As such, the tentative schedule is expected to change but has not been updated at this time. 

Please read the PIR COVID-19 Participant Rules.

All participants will be expected to bring their own PPE, including wearing a face mask at all times when outside of their car, and you must bring your own helmet that is rated Snell SA 2005 or newer. We will not be making our rental helmets available for this event. 

1. HPDE Novice will be provided for this event using a lead-follow instruction format. 
2. HPDE Intermediate is still available but only if you have participated in at least 2 prior CSCC HPDE track days at our Intermediate level or have sufficient track experience with another organization. You will be driving solo on track without an in-car instructor, but we are planning on having instructors available to observe and to provide feedback, coaching if needed to individual drivers. 
3. HPDE Advanced, Test-and-Tune, and Open Wheel groups are still open with no changes. 


Our track days give you the opportunity to drive on a real racetrack. Whether your car is a daily driver or a fully prepared race car, whether you’re a first time novice student wanting to become a better driver or a seasoned race driver looking for some seat time to shake down your car before a race, we’ve got you covered.

Our ICSCC-approved Driver's Training program includes classroom sessions with professional instruction in the dynamics of car control and high performance driving. You’ll learn about contact patch, weight transfer, and the physics of a car in motion that keep you in control. In between these classroom sessions, you'll put that knowledge to use with our expert staff of in-car instructors. You’ll learn at your own pace and gradually work your way up to more challenging speeds.

Our HPDE Novice and Intermediate groups also double as a "Competition Driving School" for those seeking a competition license. Please register for the appropriate group based on your prior experience -- HPDE Novice if you have never been on track before -- and indicate that you are seeking a competition license.

For those interested in simply honing their driving skills our Advanced HPDE group is a club day environment where the goal is to enjoy a day at the race track driving fast and safe with friends and other enthusiasts who share your same passion. Prior track experience is mandatory.  

We also offer sessions for licensed racers:

  • Test-and-Tune (TnT) - Full day or half day run groups for licensed racers to test and shake down their cars.
  • Open Wheel - For open-wheel/Sports Racers to get on-track before the race weekend starts. This is a 15-20 minute session at the end of the driver training day.
Here's the tentative schedule for this event (official schedule will be available the day of the event): Tentative-Schedule-NonChicane.pdf


  • HPDE Novice includes ground classroom plus full-day on-track instruction -- $250
  • HPDE Intermediate includes full-day on-track instruction  -- $250
  • HPDE Advanced is a full-day of track time -- $215
  • Test and Tune -- $195 Full Day
    • $135 Half Day (afternoon only)
  • Open Wheel (formula/sports racer cars) session -- $45

$10 Discount for Cascade Members registering for Driver's Training School or HPDE (contact the CSCC HPDE Organizer for the MSR discount code to enter on the online payment page).

For event information and FAQ’s, CLICK HERE to read our HPDE Information Packet. You’ll find answers to many common questions about run groups, how the days are scheduled and the best place for you to start in one of our fun and informative events. 

You will be using your own car for these events. Vehicles that are "daily driven" are welcome and no special or extraordinary requirements are needed. (Convertibles and cars with removable hard tops may require additional protection devices -- CSCC-ConvertibleRollbarRequirements.pdf.

You car needs the following, at minimum:

  • Adequate tire tread
  • Proper tire inflation
  • Loose items removed
  • No cracks in Window in Drivers View
  • Seat belts in good condition and working order (5 or 6 point Harness for Driver and Instructor for Convertibles)
  • Driver and passenger seats secure
  • Brake lights functional
  • Ensure the positive terminal on the battery is properly covered
  • The battery needs to be mechanically secured to the car
  • The helmet requirement is Snell SA2005 or Snell M2005, or newer
  • Roll bar (make sure you read the Roll Bar Standards for convertibles)
  • Eye protection (convertibles)
Convertibles and cars with removable hardtops may need additional safety requirements: CSCC-ConvertibleRollbarRequirements.pdf.

For more information see our website:

PIR Policies

For questions, please con­tact our Track Day / HPDE coordinator at: or call / text 503-809-1521.


Event requirements

HPDE Track Day Requirements

Safety is our primary concern. Cars and personal safety equipment will be inspected on the day of the event prior to being allowed on track. This inspection and roll bar acceptance is not a certification of a car’s safety or its ability to withstand the stress of this driving event. You are fully responsible for finding and remedying any safety issues prior to the event.


  • A helmet certified as SNELL M2005 (novice school only) or SA2005 or newer is required. We have a limited quantity of helmets available to rent ($10).
  • Long pants and closed-toe shoes are requiredWe strongly recommend 100% cotton or Nomex clothing: underwear/bra/socks, long-sleeve shirts, long pants; leather shoes and gloves (no nylon inserts).
    • If you have made track driving your hobby, we highly recommend that you invest in Nomex driving attire. Please do your research before buying, as "not all that glitters is gold." 


You will bring and use your own vehicle. It may be a daily-driver, modified street car, or fully-prepped racecar. It must be in good condition, free of leaks or safety issues, with fully-functioning seat belts (for driver and instructor, and must be the same level & quality for both), and plenty of brakes and tire tread. We also recommend installing at least a partial roll cage in your car (but this is not a requirement for HPDE).

It is the participants responsibility to ensure that their car is in satisfactory condition, especially all safety equipment, for the rigors of high performance driving on a racetrack. 

Per our insurance requirements, all entrants must be 18 years of age or older and show a valid driver's license at registration.

The following are the vehicle items that are covered in the event technical inspection:

  • Adequate tire tread
  • Proper tire inflation
  • Loose items removed
  • No cracks in Window in Drivers View
  • Seat belts in good condition and working order
  • Driver and passenger seats secure
  • Brake lights functional
  • Ensure the positive terminal on the battery is properly covered
  • The battery needs to be mechanically secured to the car
  • Roll bar (convertibles)
  • Eye protection (convertibles)


Convertibles are defined as cars with retractable tops, whether soft-top or folding hardtop. Convertibles are not allowed to participate in sessions driven at speed without a roll bar and a 5- or 6-point harness for each occupant (which also implies seats that allow for proper mounting and routing of the 5- or 6-point harness). Arm restraints are strongly recommended. The use of a roll bar meeting the minimum requirements is described in CSCC-ConvertibleRollbarRequirements.pdf. Cars equipped with only factory popup posts are not allowed.

Cars with factory-installed, fixed rollover protection or removable roof sections (including Targa tops and T-tops) may be allowed only if the both the driver and passenger are within the protection of the Helmet Reference Plane described in section A.1 in CSCC-ConvertibleRollbarRequirements.pdf



This online registration process uses a "deferred payment" process. Your credit card will not be charged until the week prior to the event. A pre-authorization check is done electronically to confirm validity and capacity of your account by (MSR), much like a hotel might do. The pre-authorization should fall off your account within 24-72 hours depending on your bank card's practices. DEBIT CARD USERS, you can use your card on MSR, but you should treat the pre-authorization as a debit and account for this until the "hold" is dropped by your bank.

Cancellation requests sent through MSR must be acknowledged by the CSCC HPDE event registrar to ensure any eligible refunds are applied to your method of payment. Note that your registration is reserving one (1) of a limited number of spots for this event. As such, you must be aware of our cancellation policy, which is:

  • No charges will be processed on your account if you cancel 7 or more days before the event date
  • A $50 late cancellation fee will be charged if you cancel 2 to 6 days before the event
  • You will be charged the full amount if you cancel less than 48 hours before the event or are a no show

*** PLEASE NOTE that your registration reserves one (1) of a limited number of spots for this event. You will be charged if you do not cancel prior to the event, even if you do not show and participate. 


HPDE Intermediate Requirements

  • You must have previously participated in either a CSCC HPDE Novice track day or have attended another similar HPDE track day or driving school that offers similar curriculum. 
    • You cannot participate in HPDE Intermediate if you do not have prior on-track experience or have not received classroom instruction on the fundamentals of high performance driving. 
  • Are working towards a competition license. 
  • Are approved for HPDE Advanced but are looking for additional in-car instruction or coaching. 


HPDE Advanced Requirements

  • Must have prior approval from a CSCC instructor for participating in HPDE Advanced, or have a verifiable history of solo HPDE track day events within the past two (2) years. 
    • This prior history must be present in your account. Otherwise, you will need to submit this driving history to the event registrar via email. 
  • Must understand and obey all flags and CSCC HPDE passing rules. 
    • You will be driving without an instructor and you will be expected to follow all rules and safety communications at all times. 


Race Car Test-and-Tune & Open Wheel Sessions

  • You must have a Competition License (ICSCC, SCCA Regional or National, CACC, NASA or FIA).
    • If you are looking to test / shakedown a race car but you do not have a valid race license, then you will need to register in one of the HPDE sessions. 
  • You must have a fully prepared race car with all applicable safety equipment in good working condition.
    • A current annual inspection for your vehicle can be accepted for the HPDE/TnT event technical inspection. 
  • You must wear full race gear as required by ICSCC. (Fire suit, balaclava, gloves, shoes, Nomex or other approved fire resistant underwear, etc.) 


For event information and FAQ’s, CLICK HERE to read our HPDE Information Packet. You’ll find answers to many common questions about run groups, how the days are scheduled and the best place for you to start on one of our fun and informative events. 

Entries (109)

Thomas Micich
Vincent Vavrosky
Josh Voigt
Darrell LeBlanc
Pete Bristow
James Coshow
Andy Lee
Brian Bercovitz

Portland Int'l Raceway

Portland, OR
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HPDE organized by

Cascade Sports Car Club - Driver Education

More events from this organizer
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Event over!