Sat, Apr 10, 2021

BRR-PCA 2nd Annual Gary Bell Rally

Montvale Public Library

About this event

Join the Blue Ridge Region PCA for our 2nd Annual Gary Bell Rally!

The Blue Ridge Region PCA has prepared a rally course of approx. 105 miles with an estimated drive time of about 2 1/2 hours +/-.  This event will include a mid point break stop.  Awards will be given to the top three finishers based on driving time based on posted speed limits and score on best of 20 landmark quiz questions.

All cars are to arrive at the starting point by 9:00 AM with the first car off at 9:30 AM.  Expect cars to be release every 2-3 minutes.

Starting Location: Montvale Public Library - Montale, VA

Ending Location: Devils Backbone Brewery Lexington, VA

Event requirements

As you register be sure to geto anc click on "Complete Registration" on the Confirmation page.  Yes do this even though it says "No Payment Due!"

Each car must have at least two individuals.  The first is, of course, the driver.  The second is the navigator and is responsible for following and communicating the instructions, recording items per the instructions, and being an extra set of eyes ensuring safety. This event will take place on public roads, at posted speed limits, and in a safe manner. 

Compliance with Commonwealth of Virginia Covid restrictions are required by all participants.  

All drivers, navigators, passengers, organizers, ... will be required to complete the wavers:  PCA Release and Waiver of Liability and PCA Communicable Disease Waiver.  Use of the electronic waivers (SpeedWaivers) is encouraged, however, paper waivers can be signed in-person at the starting point.  Both parents of any participant must complete and sign, in-person, the PCA Waiver for Minors.  

Reminder - This event is held on pubic roads and must comply with all Virginia Driving Laws and posted signs.

Montvale Public Library

Montvale, VA


Road Rally organized by

PCA - Blue Ridge

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Event over!