About this event
SCCA Milwaukee Region Presents
The Blacke Rallye
Saturday, December 9, 2017
Contact Chairperson Jim Jurgenson
or call 414-378-6404 .
Start/Finish Location
Best Western Arrowhead Lodge and Suites
600 Oasis Rd,
Black River Falls, Wisconsin 54615
Registration opens: 11:00 AM
First Car Starts: 1:31 pm
First Car Finish Approx 9:00 pm
Cost: $45.00/car, $5.00 discount for SCCA members
Event requirements
General Instructions
1. Overview
The Blacke 2017 National Tour RoadRally is hosted by the Milwaukee Region SCCA and is designed to provide an enjoyable afternoon and evening of rallying through the beautiful country around Black River Falls, Wisconsin. The rallye will be conducted in full compliance with the 2017 Road Rally Rules (RRRs) as supplemented by these General Instructions. These RRRs may be downloaded from the SCCA website or ordered from Amazon. There are no tricks or traps on this rallye. Route instructions use a tulip format and are designed to be easy to follow. Speeds will be brisk.
2. Headquarters
Rallye headquarters will be the Best Western Arrowhead Lodge, 600 Oasis Rd, Black River Falls, WI. Phone: 715-284-9471. The rallye starts at this motel.
3. Rallye committee and officials
Chairman/rallymaster: Jim Jurgenson. Submit questions to jjurgenson1@wi.rr.com.
Registration and scoring: Kathy Jurgenson and Jennifer King
Precheck: Jim Crittenden
Official Observer: Chuck Hanson
4. Schedule
Saturday, December 9, 2017
11:00 to 1 PM – Registration at rallye headquarters.
1:31 PM – Car #1 starts rallye
~ 3:30 PM – 1st break in Whitehall, WI
~ 4:24 PM - sunset
~ 5:30 PM – 2nd break in Taylor, WI
~ 7:00 PM – 3rd break in Blair, WI
~ 8:45 PM – Car #1 finishes rallye. In Black River Falls, WI
5. Classes
You may register in one of four Classes. Trophies will be awarded in each of the four Classes.
Class E - No limit is placed on the equipment permissible for use.
Class L - No limit is placed on distance measuring equipment. Computation equipment must not receive a direct input from any distance measuring device (including GPS). Distance information must be visually acquired from a distance measuring device and must be manually entered into calculating equipment.
Class S - Distance measuring equipment is limited to stock odometer(s) in the stock location(s) and/or GPS device(s). Computation equipment must not receive a direct input from any distance measuring device. Distance information must be visually acquired from a distance measuring device and must be manually entered into calculating equipment (if any).
Class N – New To Sport - Neither driver nor navigator have run more than 3 rallies. Class N cars must run with Class S equipment limitations and will be combined with Class S cars in the official SCCA results.
6. Registration
Both team members must sign the SCCA waiver. The driver must show a valid driver’s license. If you paid the SCCA member entry fee, please be prepared to show your SCCA membership card. The ‘Emergency contacts, vehicle inspection, and insurance requirements’ form must be completed and submitted. This form is the last page of these General Instructions.
7. Time
Official time is WWV radio. Timing will be to the hundredth of a minute. The clock that was used to synchronize the control clocks will be displayed at registration. It’s important for you to synchronize your clock to official time.
Time Allowances may be taken without penalty for any reason. Time allowances may be taken in 1.00 minute increments starting at 0.50 minute and up to 19.50 minutes. Submit a time allowance at the open control to which it applies prior to receiving your critique slip. Since each leg has a CZT (car zero time) starting time, a submitted time allowance only applies to the control at which it is submitted. If you are running late on the next leg after submitting a time allowance, you’ll need to submit another time allowance at the next control. Your registration package will contain time allowance forms. If you run out of these forms, you may create one yourself on any piece of paper.
Leg times were calculated using mileages with a resolution of 0.001 mile. The total leg time was then truncated to the hundredth of a minute.
8. Speed and distance
All mileages and speed changes associated with an intersection are taken/executed at one of the following in this order of precedence:
1. The white limit line at a Traffic Light.
2. The Stop or Yield on your right that controls your rallye car.
3. The apex or center of the intersection. When an apex is used for a speed change, an Official Mileage will be provided.
The course was measured to a resolution of 1/1000 of a mile with a 2007 Subaru WRX on Pirelli tires and a Timewise 798A rally computer using pulses from 3 magnets mounted on the driver’s side front half shaft. Mileages shown with one or two decimal places are truncated. During the course measurement the weather was dry and the temperature ranged from 21 to 33 degrees. Tires were inflated to 34 psi cold.
Official mileage reverts to 0.000 at specified points identified in the Route Instructions.
If weather conditions merit an adjustment, control crews may notify contestants to invoke emergency speeds. If this occurs, drive the next leg at a safe speed, calculate or estimate how long it should have taken you to arrive at the next control, and then claim this estimated arrival time at the next control. You will not be timed at that control, rather your score will be based on your claimed arrival time.
9. Roads
Unpaved roads exist on this rallye. Roads marked Private, Dead End, No Outlet, etc. and driveways do not exist, but they may be shown in a tulip diagram.
10. References
Any reference that appears in quotation marks is a reference to words, letters, numbers or symbols on a sign. Capitalization, punctuation, and spacing are irrelevant. Signs may be quoted in full or in part but always in a sequential manner as intended to be read.
Signs may also be referenced graphically. For example: . A graphic representation of a sign will not be enclosed in quotation marks in the Route Instructions. Ignore any graffiti or other disfiguration on signs.
Any reference that does not appear in quotation marks, other than a graphic representation of a sign, is a landmark. Many instructions will include a reference to the road that you will turn onto. Be aware that sometimes this referenced road is NOT IDENTIFIED at the point where you execute the Tulip instruction. The reference in that case is intended to be helpful if you have a GPS navigation system. In those cases, you must use the mileage provided and the tulip to identify the proper place to execute the instruction.
11. Route Instructions
Two sets of Route Instructions will be available at registration, in the headquarters hotel, when you register (Sanction Exception).
Route Instructions will utilize tulip diagrams. A tulip diagram is a route-following action that directs the course through an intersection or a portion of the course by the use of a diagram of the roads from an aerial perspective. The contestant enters the tulip on the road designated by a dot at the bottom of the diagram and leaves on the road designated with an arrow. Additional information, such as official mileage, road names, a quoted sign, etc., may be included in the route instruction. A tulip diagram may use solid lines to represent paved or major roads and dashed lines to represent unpaved roads or non-existent roads, but will not necessarily do so. A dash in the tulip diagram shows the approximate location of the reference. Material in the route instructions enclosed in parentheses is intended to be helpful information.
This is an example of a typical route instruction:
OM |
IM |
10 |
4.56 |
1.23 |
N |
CAST 45 |
12. Route Following Priorities
As you travel the rallye route, apply the rules below in the order listed.
1. Execute an emergency instruction or follow an emergency sign.
2. Execute a route-following action. (That is, do what the tulip diagram instructs)
3. Follow the principal road.
The principal road is the obvious continuation through an intersection of the road upon which you are traveling. At some intersections this principal road may be determined by pavement surface continuity, a curve warning sign, the center line on the pavement, the placement of a stop sign or yield sign, the continuation of multiple lanes in your direction of travel, straight as possible, etc.
13. Controls and scoring
All controls will be open controls and will be identified by a checkpoint sign on your right. You will be timed as your front wheels pass the checkpoint sign. If there is a pneumatic hose there, be sure that your front wheels drive across this hose. Do not stop at the checkpoint line, rather after crossing the line, proceed at a safe speed and stop alongside the timing car where you will turn in your Time Allowance slip (if applicable) and receive a timing sticker. Time allowance forms must be submitted prior to receiving your timing sticker. Timing stickers will contain the official mileage at the control line, the leg time, and your arrival time. Once you receive your timing sticker, proceed ahead to the next CZT point. You may have to execute several route instructions to reach this restart point.
The portion of the rallye course from a control to the next CZT point is a Free Zone. The CAST does not apply between a control and the next CZT point. Controls will open 10 minutes before car #1 is due to arrive. They will close 20 minutes after the last car is due to arrive or when all cars are through, whichever occurs first.
Penalty points are assigned as follows: 1 point for each hundredth of a minute early or late at a control, up to a maximum of 200 points (2 minutes) per control. Unauthorized stopping or creeping, less than 10 mph, in sight of a control is a 25 point penalty. The control crew will signal to a rallye car by flashing headlights and/or a wave that the rallye car is creeping. The creeping penalty will be assessed if the rallye car does not respond to the flash and/or wave in a decisive manner. Control crews will be instructed to enforce this rule.
Please complete your score card and submit it to the scoring team at the end of the rallye. Ties will be broken for trophy awards first by counting the number of legs won, then by the number of zeros, then by the number of 1’s, etc.
All US, State and County highways are Free Zones.
14. Police notification and Wisconsin law
The Sheriff’s Departments along the rallye course have been notified of this event. Right turn at a red light is legal after a full stop. Rural Wisconsin roads have a 55 mph speed limit unless posted otherwise
15. GPS recovery points, contingencies, and break locations
Some route instructions will include a latitude and longitude. The purpose of this is to provide an easy means of recovery if you get lost. GPS map devices are allowed and encouraged as they are very helpful, especially on night rallies. These devices are allowed in all four equipment Classes.
Weather conditions can be unpredictable, so be prepared. If you have trouble or have to drop out, please call the rallymaster at 414-378-6404 and let him know. Watch out for wildlife, Amish in buggies, and other road hazards.
1st break: Whitehall, WI. ( 44.36769, -91.31683 )
The Root beer Stand – On right just as you enter Whitehall
Subway – On right at Dodge St
Kwik Trip – On right just after railroad tracks
2nd break: Taylor, WI. ( 44.33047, -91.12537 )
Mobil – At the intersection of State Route 95 and County P.
Country Store – On left after crossing RR tracks on County N
3rd break: Blair, WI. ( 44.29066, -91.24159)
Kwik Trip - at intersection of routes 53 and 95.
16. Glossary
/0.00 - Zero your odometer.
CAST – Change, commence, or continue Average Speed To.
CZT – Car Zero Time. Add your car number in minutes to this time to find the time that you should depart from this point.
BCZ – Begin Control Zone. This begins a portion of the rallye course in which there will be a control. Please clear the CZT after you reset and proceed to a safe location to wait for your restart time.
Free Zone - This is a portion of the rallye course in which there will be no controls. There is a Free Zone for 1.00 miles after every CZT.
Graphic – An official highway sign depicting an object. For example: tractor graphic, hill graphic.
IM – Interval Mileage. The distance to this instruction from the previous instruction.
OM – Official Mileage.
Pause - To delay a specified time at a point or during passage of a specified or implied distance. Pauses are expressed in hundredths of a minute. For example, Pause 50 means Pause 0.50 minutes, or 30 seconds. Pause 100 means add 1 minute to your travel time.
Stop – An official octagonal stop sign at which the rallye vehicle is obliged to stop.
Transit Zone - A part of a rallye route in which there are no timing controls and in which no specific speed need be maintained. Either an exact time for passage or a restart time from the end of the transit zone will be given.