Sun, Apr 21, 2024

Audi North Bay Teen Driver Safety Clinic

Solano Community College

About this event

North Bay Teen Driver Safety Clinic

The Audi Teen Driver Safety Clinic is designed to go far beyond what is typically taught in Drivers' Ed or a driving school with an emphasis on keeping the students in their cars with only a little time spent in the classroom. This is best described as a classroom within the car.

The event is open to all teen drivers between the age of 15 1/2 and 19 (consideration can be made for drivers up to the age of 21) who have a valid learning permit, provisional driver’s license or full driver’s license. All teen students must be accompanied by a parent or guardian, and they must be driving a fully registered vehicle. All makes and models of cars are welcome and membership in the Audi Club of North America is not required for this event.

The cost of the Teen Driving Clinic is $175 for each student which includes lunch, snacks and beverages. There is an additional $20 fee for any parent or other person who wishes to attend with the student (lunch, snacks and beverages).

The event will teach teen drivers to control their cars in a variety of real-world situations. Each teen driver will have an in-car tutor who will guide him or her through practical exercises of: accident avoidance, ABS and panic braking and slalom driving all in dry and wet conditions. These exercises are designed to improve awareness of the teen driver's car and how to control it. Additionally there is an exercise called “driving the dots” that is designed to help the teen drivers become more aware of where the edge of the lane (or curb) is located. Classroom sessions will focus on “real world” situations that teens face every day on the road, including proper lane changing, merging and passing techniques. Distraction hazards, such as texting while driving, will also be discussed.

At the end of the day all teen drivers will leave with much-improved driving skills and big smiles. If you have any questions, please send email to

Event Logistics

This is an all-day event where the teens will spend most of the day in the car.

The Clinic will take place on Sunday, April 21, 2024 at Solano Community College in Fairfield. Everything you need to participate will be provided, except your car and a parent. Details will be sent a few days prior to the event but you can plan on meeting at parking lot #3, Solano College, 4000 Suisun Valley Road, promptly at 8:00 a.m. for check in. The event will end around 4:00 p.m. Morning snacks, lunch and beverages will be provided to students. If you have questions contact the

We recommend that you check the weather forecast prior to the event and dress accordingly. We also encourage you to bring folding chairs as seating is limited.

Volunteers/Instructors and Coaches

For this event, we are also seeking volunteers to help us run the event. In this case, all volunteers must be ACGG instructors, or ACGG members that have a great deal of experience, and who are interested in enhancing their coaching skills. If you are an instructor, and wish to volunteer to help at this event, please continue with the registration process, and when you reach the registration form, select the appropriate choice, and fill in the requested information.

Who are we?

Audi Club Golden Gate (ACGG) is a chapter of the Audi Club of North America (ACNA), which is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with the purpose of educating its members in driver education, driver safety training and education about the Audi brand. The Golden Gate Chapter serves the members in Northern California but our events are open to anyone. To support the educational experience, the Golden Gate Chapter offers events from technical seminars, fun drives, social events, tours and high precision driver education and safety seminars throughout the year. The Golden Gate Chapter is able to take advantage of many local Audi dealerships and well recognized private service centers around the geographic proximity to Northern California. Many of our sponsors offer discounts to club members.

As a member of ACNA, you automatically become a member of the Golden Gate Chapter. You will receive a quarterly magazine from ACNA, as well as frequent emails from us to keep you up to date on all the scheduled events happening throughout the year. 

Event requirements

The event is open to all teen drivers between the age of 15 1/2 and 19 (consideration can be made for drivers up to the age of 21) who have a valid learning permit, provisional driver’s license or full driver’s license. You do not need to be a member of the Audi Club to attend and all makes and models of cars are welcome. All teen students must be accompanied by a parent or guardian and must be driving a fully registered vehicle. Vehicles may be shared but it is not recommended. If two teens will be sharing a car, a separate registration for each teen is necessary. The teen will gain more from the clinic if they spend the whole day with their own car. Please make sure that the year, make, model and color of the car you are bringing is accurately recorded during registration.

It is recommended that the teens bring the car they are most likely to drive on a daily basis and you should do a basic safety check prior to attending the clinic. (Do the brakes work? Is there tread on the tires and are they inflated properly? Are the brake lights functional? etc.) While there will be a tech check at the event, it is important that the vehicle be in a safe and road worthy condition for the event.


Solano Community College

Fairfield, CA
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Car Control Clinic organized by

Audi Club NA - Golden Gate Chapter

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Solano Community College

Event over!