Fri, May 14 - Sun, May 16, 2010

Audi Club Midwest Regional 2010

Heartland Park

About this event

Kansas City and St. Louis Chapters of the Audi Club North America invite you to participate in the ACNA Midwest Regional and 12th Annual Audi driver's school at Heartland Park Topeka on May 14th-16th, 2010.  

One of the goals upon which the Audi Club North America was founded was the idea that driving skills can and should be improved with practice in a controlled environment. After all, how better to enjoy your car than to be confident that you really know how it will react in all situations? The Audi Club has been hosting driving education events at facilities around the country for years. Usually, these events are held at racetracks, because those venues provide ample space, no oncoming traffic, plenty of runoff room, and workers before each corner with flags to warn drivers of any upcoming danger. Despite being at a racetrack, the events are not competitive, are not timed, and most certainly are not racing. Beginner students have an experienced instructor in the car at all times while on the road coarse to guide them through the learning process. Some intermediate and advanced students start with an instructor in the car, but graduate to solo status after proving their level of safety and skill. Classroom sessions while not in the car provide valuable theory and discussion that complement what is learned in the car. Students are never pushed beyond their comfort and skill levels. Faster drivers are allowed to pass slower drivers under strict guidelines for everyone's safety, keeping all drivers feeling safe and confident of their surroundings.

Lessons and skills learned at these events really do transfer to everyday driving, as numerous former students attest to all the time. Many prior students report avoiding accidents thanks to things they learned at these events. Many others report simply enjoying their daily commute more, knowing more about themselves and their cars. There really is no better way to improve your skills.
What you will learn at a performance driving school:

  • How to handle you car in a emergency situation
  • Understanding of braking dynamics
  • Increased confidence in the performance characteristics of your vehicle

Heartland Park offers 14 turns in 2.5 miles and has 48 feet of elevation change.  We want this Driving School to be safe, educational and fun.  This is not a racing school, nor is it a competitive event.   NOTE: At the eventmaster's discretion, if a driver is deemed to be racing  or driving in an overly-aggressive manner, that driver will be banned from further participation in this event.

The event will feature Advanced Student and Instructor orientation day on Friday, and Drivers Education school from Friday Night through Sunday. 

Saturday night will include a banquet at the host hotel, be sure and attend as there will be a great raffle of donated items from our sponsors.

Take advantage of the Early Bird registration and save $50!

Drivers School. Beginners will have classroom time and off-track exercises in addition to on-track lapping with an instructor in the car at all times.  Beginners will start with exercises and then progress onto track with their instructor.  Friday will be Instructor Orientation and Advanced Student day.   


Early bird registration (through April 15th)

Student Registration:  $325 

Advanced Students including Friday orientation $475 (Advanced approval required)

Early Bird Instructor Registration $125

Note: While the event organizers will make every effort to maximize track time, due to the possible track conditions, the number of sessions and session length is not guaranteed.

We want you to have the best time you've ever had in your car, be it an Audi or not!  Please let myself or any other Staff member help you with anything we can to make this a great event!  Be safe and have fun!  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our  Event Chair or Eventmaster.

John Palumbo Kris Loveless
Event Chair Eventmaster
314.707.2227 816.686.1221


Event requirements

 Minimum Requirements

  • All drivers must be 18 years of age or older
  • Current Audi Club North America membership

NOTE:  If you do not have a membership, please contact ACNA administrative offices at 262-567-5476 before proceeding.  Alternately you can join online or by mail. The web site to join online or to download the form Click Here!

Membership is $44 per year.

  • Cars must pass a pre-event tech inspection
  • Helmets must be worn at all times on the track
  • Helmets must be Snell M or S certified (2000 or 2005)
  • Convertible Policy
    Effective 1 January 2006, convertibles must meet the following minimum requirements in order to participate in ACNA track driving school:
    1. A four-point roll cage consisting of a main hoop behind the front seats with two rear braces
    2. A four and preferably five point harness
    3. When you are seated in your the car the top of your helmet must be at least 2" below a line from the top of the roll bar to the top of the windscreen
    4. Arm restraints are recommended but not required at this time.
    Removable hard tops are not considered structural roofs. The only exception is if they meet the minimum "race track" requirements.
    Vehicles with factory roll hoops and/or deployable roll over protection will not be allowed
  • Trucks, Minivans, and Sport Utility Vehicles are prohibited from participating in the event.
Special Notice about Liability and Comprehensive/Collision Insurance coverage for your car.  As a general rule of thumb, you must read your personal auto policy to determine if your car is covered while participating in a Driver School.  Please contact your insurance carrier and ask for a copy of your current policy for review; if you have not reviewed your policy recently, now is a good time to check.  Many insurance companies are now including language in the exclusions section of the policy that eliminates coverage at a "closed course", "facilities designed for racing", and/or for a "high-performance driving course or school".  Please be aware that your policy might exclude coverage while you are participating in Drivers Education.  An alternative for Comprehensive/Collision Coverage is available through third party insurance providers FOR DRIVER SCHOOLS. 

Safety Inspection

A pre-event safety inspection must be completed within 30 days of the event.  A number of event sponsors have generously agreed to complete these inspections free of charge, but you must bring the form with you to the shop.  An advance appointment is strongly encouraged.  Without exception, this form must be completed.  You must provide the completed form at registration in order to participate in the event.

Inspection Form Download (pdf)

Event Inspection Locations(pdf)

 Medical Information

Participants will be asked to complete a medical form in case of emergency.  This information is voluntary, but the form must be turned in with a minimum of your name and emergency contact. However you are encouraged to complete as much as possible in case of emergency during the event. Due to privacy laws, Please fill out and put in an envelope with your name on it and seal the envelope. Please hand to the eventmaster or to the registration staff. You may pick up the envelope at the end of the event otherwise this information will be destroyed after the event. This envelope will be opened only in case of emergency. 

Medical Form Download (pdf)

Track Paddock Vehicle Policy

Due to issues with prior events unrealted to Audi Club North America participants bringing ANY Motorized Paddock or Pit vehicles into Heartland Park Topeka are required to conform to the Heartland Park Pit Vehicle Policy. There is a fee for registration of the vehicle which is an annual registration.  This policy is that of Heartland Park and not the responsibility of Audi Club North America.  Please review the policy and purchase your pass from Heartland Park Directly.  As an alternate, bicycles work very well! 


Instructors limited to first 40.

If you have instructed for Audi Club of Kansas City or St. Louis at prior event, go ahead and register as an instructor.  Instructors who have not instructed are requested to contact Kris Loveless or John Palumbo prior to registration.  Please detail a driving and instructing history including references who can confirm your qualifications.

Headquarters Hotel

A block of rooms has been reserved at the  Capitol Plaza Hotel under  "The Audi Club".  The cost of each room is $89/night for single or double occupancy (stay with a roommate for $45/night!).  Call 800.579.7937 or 785.431.7200 and feel free to register online.  When calling be sure and mention group code KCAC and discount code of AUDI.

The rooms will be held until April 15th but will fill up fast so do not delay!

Heartland Park

Topeka, KS
Download track map
Download track map


HPDE organized by

Audi Club NA - Kansas City Chapter

Event over!