Sat, Apr 24, 2021

A-MINI-zing Race 2021

NorCal MINIs

About this event

***Paid Members Only***

Hi NorCal MINIs Members,

Your Hosts For The Event:
Christine & Michael Toibin

Who's ready for another "A-MINI-zing Race"?   See the blog post on what "A-MINI-zing Race" is and all of the other important information you need to know before you start the race. This run was postponed from April 18, 2020, so don't think the blog post URL is wrong.

You must RSVP before APRIL 4, 2021
There will be no exceptions to this rule as your hosts needs time to prepare the race packets for each of the teams.

Meet Up Location

Parking Lot
2505 Riverside Blvd,
Sacramento, CA 95818

Meeting Time/Departure Time:
10 am/10:30 am

Please RVSP Today!

Not a Paid Member? Create your MotorSportReg Account and use the link below:
NorCal MINIs Membership


Please be aware of the following Covid-19 Protocols implemented by NorCal MINIs Officers & Directors

NorCal MINIs is committed to providing events that place participant safety as the number one priority.  In light of the current COVID-19 situation, every attempt will be made to minimize risk of exposure to the virus.  Therefore, the club is following new processes and procedures for events going forward. 



  • Be for paid members ONLY at this time
  • Not offer day passes whilst under restrictions
  • Follow state and local guidelines in relation to COVID-19
  • Require all participants to wear masks, for not only their own safety but for the safety of everyone on-site when not in your own car
  • Ask participants to stay at home if they are at higher risk for severe illness, or if they are sick or experiencing COVID-19 symptoms such as fever, cough or shortness of breath
  • Conduct drivers meeting in open air with face masks with social distancing and might be conducted via our radios on channel 7/21, if need be for everyone to hear


The following guidelines are our best attempt to secure your safety given what is known at this time. They are by no means comprehensive, and we cannot predict every circumstance.  Therefore, we are counting on you to exercise your best judgment throughout the event.  Please have an awareness and understanding of the following COVID-19 safety protocols:

  • NorCal MINIS asks that anyone who is at higher risk for severe illness, feeling unwell, or who has been in contact with anyone that is sick in the last two weeks to STAY HOME
  • ALL participants are requiredtowearcloth face coverings or masks when outside their car
  • NorCal MINIs will encourage everyone to wash hands regularly (with soap and water for at least 20 seconds), especially after using the restroom, before eating, and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing
  • NorCal Minis will NOT share Club Radios during this time; we suggest purchasing your own radios and can provide you with recommendations on compatible makes/models
  • Physical contact is discouraged. Please refrain from shaking hands, high-fives and hugs, except with family or those you have been quarantined with
  • Participants are required to bring their own personal protective equipment (PPE), including masks, hand sanitizer and disinfectant.  NorCal MINIs will NOT have any PPE items available
  • Participants will be required to Sign Waivers Electronically
  • Be cautious when sharing/posting event photos.  Even photos of groups maintaining proper social distancing can be mistaken for an inappropriate gathering.
  • If necessary, remind each other gently and respectfully to observe these guidelines

Anyone who continually or willfully violates these guidelines will be asked to leave by a club officer or director.


  • Any participant that falls ill within 2 weeks after the event MUST contact NorCal MINIs and share a description of their symptoms, related test results and movements during the event
  • NorCal MINIs will make every effort to alert affected participants privately of the situation

Ultimately, it is your responsibility to assess the risk to you and make a responsible decision on whether or not to participate. You assume all risks and agree the Club holds no liability if you or anyone in your party should develop any Covid-19 symptoms afterwards by attending a NorCal MINIs event. Participants are required to follow these guidelines; any participant may be asked to leave the event for non-compliance.

Thank you in advance for your understanding, and we look forward to seeing all our friends back in action and having fun with our MINIs!

Event requirements

You will need:

  • Radios (Channel 7/21)
  • Your own personal protective equipment (PPE), including masks, hand sanitizer and disinfectant.
  • Full Tank of Gas

NorCal MINIs

San Francisco, CA


Road Rally organized by

NorCal MINIs

Event over!